A Shocking Revelation

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So happy to share the 50th part of story❤️😊😊,thank you all for your support ✨✨

Recap:aditi leaves vikram's house,vikram feels something bad happened to aditi

(Two days passed,vikram came to India,he have an important meeting,so he didn't go to home,he was sad thinking about aditi,At evening,he was in his cabin,at that time shiva came)

Shiva:excuse mr.busy man,shall I get in

Vikram:no need of it,come inside buddy

Shiva:how was your trip?

Vikram:fine da(said in sad tone)

Shiva:what happened da?

Vikram:I missed aditi,now also,she didn't attend my call,she went to her mother's home

Shiva:she is missing her mother,so she went to meet her

(At that time harish came)

Harish:hi guys

Vikram:hi da,what brought you hear?

Harish:actually I came to meet my friend


Harish:how was aditi?finally rithika had caught

Vikram:what are you saying?

(Harish said about rithika deeds to vikram and also he showed the evidence,both vikram and shiva was shocked and also their anger went to peak level)

Vikram:what Aryan and rithika join hands

Shiva:we didn't know anything,why you didn't inform us

Harish:aditi knows everything,I called vikram,she said you went to london for meeting and shiva also had a important meeting,so I said whole truth to aditi,she said she will say to you both

Vikram:why aditi didn't say anything to me,I think so something wrong had happened,I need to go home

Shiva:I'm also coming

(Vikram and shiva left to vikram's home)

(Vikram reached home)

Vikram:Rithika!!(said in high tone,all the family members came to hall,all are shocked to see him like this,as this was the first he raised the voice in his house his eyes were red shot, his anger is visible in his eyes)

Sujatha:vikram,when you came from London,what happened why are shouting like this?

Vikram:ma,wait for 5 minutes ma,I will say

(Vikram went to rithika,who was standing near pillar)

Vikram:did you hurt aditi on wedding day

Rithika:I didn't

Vikram:don't say lies,I know everything

Rithika:no I don't know

(Vikram held her neck by his one hand raised her attach to pillar,her feet were in air)

Ravichandran:dei,what are you doing,leave her down

Rithika m:vikram,leave her pa

Vikram:without saying the truth,I won't leave her

(Sujatha and shiva went to rithika, then they make her to stand properly)

Sujatha (to vikram):are you mad?what are you doing?

Vikram:ma,you know what she did?

(Vikram said about rithika deeds,all are shocked)

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