"Fine" lisa gave up and pouted.

"We only have three guest rooms so..." Rosie said and looked at jisoo who's looking at her meaningfully.

"Jennie's going to share a room with lisa" jisoo said and smile brightly.

"What?! I m-mean no it's okay I'll sleep here in the living room" lisa said and glared at jisoo.

"It's fine with me, lis. You'll be more comfortable if you're going to sleep in the guest room" i assured her.

"Let her jendeukie. She's naughty when she's sleeping" lisa slapped jisoo's ass for embarrassing her.

"She might be on top of you when you wake up" seulgi said and laughed.

"Hey! I'm not like that"

"Or worse she might kiss you without you knowing" this time it's jeongyeon. I widened my eyes because of what she said and just smile at them awkwardly.

Well... Yeah that will be awkward.

"That's too much!" Jeongyeon ran towards nayeon's back when lisa was about to hit her.

"Okay okay that's enough. Let's go sleep" irene stopped us and we started to clean the mess we made in the living room.

"Chipmunk! Do you have some extra blanket and pillows? Can i borrow?" Lisa asked.

"Of c-"

"I have extra! You can borrow mine" i said and smile at her.

"Thanks jen"

"She's talking to me? Isn't she?" Rosé whispered.

"Shhh just shut up will you?" She giggled at my reaction and nodded.

"How about clothes lisa?" Irene asked and she shake her head.

"I'm goo-" jisoo cut her off and smirked.

"She doesn't need that, she's not wearing anything when she's sleeping"

"You're naked?!" Nayeon asked surprisingly.

"Of course not! You got it wrong. Just don't be surprised if you saw me here tomorrow half naked. I don't wear shirt when I'm sleeping, you know it's hot" she explained and rub her nape shyly.

"Hmm okay that's fine. What do you think? " nayeon said whispering to me the last part so i pinch her side because lisa might heard her.

"I'll go get the extra blanket and pillows" i didn't wait for their response and proceed upstairs.

I get the things that lisa needs and was about to go down when i heard my phone's notification. I walked towards the table beside the bed and get it there hoping that kai is the one who texted me. I didn't see him for almost a week now and I'm starting to get worried. He texted me once saying that he's finding a job but that doesn't lessen my worries.

From Taehyung: I don't want you to sleep here tonight so stay there little sister and give me some peace of mind, okay?

The nerve of this guy to say this when it's not even his place.

To Taehyung: wow! Where did you get that kind of nerve asshole?

From Taehyung: it's late already and i don't want if something bad might happen to you. Listen to me bitch if you don't want to get bald tomorrow, besides lisa is there she can take care of you more than your dog.

I furrowed my eyebrows while reading his message.

To Taehyung: what's your problem with my dog? why are you always mentioning him whenever we talk. Are you crazy?

From Taehyung: exactly your dog! Anyway goodnight little sister your handsome brother loves you, sweet dreams! ;))

I shake my head after reading his last message. I go down and approach them.

"Here" I handed her the extra blanket and pillows.

"Thanks jen" she smiled and put it in the couch.

"I pity you manoban, you can't even fit there" jisoo said while crackling.

"That's better than yours" rosie said and smirked.


"I forgot to tell you that you'll be joining lisa here so she wouldn't be alone so that means you're going to sleep here in this carpet" rosie said and stomp her feet on the carpet.

"What?! Why?! I didn't do anything!" Jisoo whined while lisa is laughing silently.

"Actually, it's not only you jisoo but also this two" nayeon said and pointed to seulgi and jeongyeon.

"But ba-" jeongyeon didn't finish her words.

"Not buts, that's final" nayeon said.

I'm trying so bad to hold my laugh because of their faces. They're really disappointed for not sleeping beside their girlfriends.

"I-it's okay with me, not really a big thing tss" seulgi said nervously and glance to irene who's looking at her meaningfully.

"Okay then, good night guys!" chaeng went to jisoo and kiss her cheeks.

"Have a great sleep!" Nayeon said and winked at them.

"Great sleep my ass" jeongyeon mumble while rolling her eyes.

"You saying anything babe?" Nayeon asked and raised her eyebrows at jeongyeon.

"N-nothing babe i love you" she said and smile. Irene unnie hug them one by one while nayeon and chaeng did the same.

"Good night jen, sweet dreams" she whispered that made my body froze for seconds before coming back to my senses and broke the hug.

"N-night lis" i said and looked away immediately.

We started walking to the stairs when i heard seulgi said something that made me face palmed about myself.

"Why did she only hug you?" Seulgi asked.

"That was unfair!" jisoo whispered yeld.

"Special my ass" jeongyeon said.

"Why are you keep talking about your ass? You don't have ass" seulgi said and they started bickering.

"Night I'm going to sleep" lisa said and throw herself in the couch.

"Yah! Manoban there's no way I'm going to sleep here in this goddamn carpet!" Jisoo's complain is the last thing i heard before entering the guest room.



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