Chapter 24

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Michael wakes me up, telling me the boys and managers are calling everyone in for a meeting downstairs. Not like it has anything to do with me, why couldn't they let me sleep in. I swear I've had only a couple of hours of sleep in two days. I lazily got out of bed all the memories from yesterday coming back. I quickly checked my phone as my body slowly starts waking up. I had 2 missed calls from my dad so I instantly swipe my screen, which calls my dad.

It rings for a while as I prayed he picked up.

"Hi, You've reached the voice mail of..." I quickly hanged up groaning. I lazily got changed and make my way downstairs.

Everyone was already gathered in Luke's lounge, just chatting amongst each other. I looked around spotting Trish. A smile instantly grew on my face. I ran up to Trish instantly receiving a massive bear hug from her.

"I've got so much to tell you," I whisper, as I feel Trish nod her head. She breaks the hug hands on my shoulders staring at me intensely.

"What?" I chuckle as she stares.

"Why are you here?" I giggle.

"That's why I need to explain everything to you." I smile.

"I'm sorry for not talking to you much, I've been so caught up with Ashton I've not been talking to you" She sweetly smiles. I know when Trish is being honest and she is. She has been caught up in having a new boyfriend she's barely talked or seen me.

"Ice cream and pizza, my place tonight?" She smiles. Before I had time to say anything I get interrupted by one of the managers starting to speak, getting everyone's attention.

I turned to Trish nodding with a massive smile on my face. I'm so glad to have my crazy, silly, pizza loving best friend back. She links her arms with me as we walk towards everyone who's sitting or standing around in a circle. Trish decided for us to stand so we can listen more carefully. I wasn't sure why Trish or I was here. I forgot to ask her. It must be pretty important because there's lots of a person here. I'm pretty sure Luke never had this many people stay at his last night.

I looked around the circle trying to find the boys while the manager's start talking. I spot Michael as he locks eyes with me. He makes a annoyed face causing Michael and me to giggle quietly. Michael looks back to the front before my eyes start moving around the circle next spotting Luke with some random older guys. He stares at the manager nodding once every few seconds. I move around next finding Calum and Ashton sitting on the couch. Calum eyes glued to his phone and Ashton playing with a rubberband in his hand and staring at the manager as well.

I looked back up at the manager before hearing. "...Trish and Christine welcome to the tour".

My eyes grew wider as I stared up at the managers standing in front of the circle.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered getting so excited. Is that what I heard. Me? And Trish, going on tour?

"Welcome to the 2015 tour girls".

I looked around seeing all different expressions. Shocked. Surprised. Happy.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I yelled starting to jump up and down in excitement.

Trish turned to me as we both collided in a hug while jumping up and down.

"Thank you so much" I broke the hug walking up to the managers and shaking there hand.

The room quickly got louder as everyone started chatting. I made my way to Trish again.

"This is so exciting, isn't it?" She smiled.

"I kn-" Before I could speak I felt my phone vibrating in my hand. I looked down at the screen flashing 'Incoming call from: Dad'.

"Hold on!" I smiled while Trish nodded and walked away. I pushed past people and walked up stairs to Lukes room. It was my first option for privacy.

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