Chapter 20

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I woke up to blackness. I wasn't sure if i was dreaming but I felt something warm next to me and the feeling of my hand sweating holding someone elses. Then I remembered sitting next to Luke. I guess i must of fallen asleep during one of the movies. I moved a bit sitting up looking around the room. My vison started clearing a bit so I could see the outline of some peoples faces from the street light which beemed through a window.

I untangled Lukes and I hands as I slowly hoped off the chair standing up. I stretched my back leaning backwards as it cracked. I was sitting in a very uncomfortable side position that I now realised I will be having a sore back tomorrow. Tomorrow? Wait, that reminded me.

I walked around the chairs not knowing where to walk, someone could of slept on the ground. I went into the kitchen noticing mine and Calums phone sitting on the bench. I grabbed mine, pressing the home button revealing the time. The brightness lit up the room so I turned it down. The time displayed 2:34am.

I groaned. I was so awake and so confused. I sat down at the kitchen table, going through twitter. I read a tweet someone had retweeted about 5 Seconds Of Summer.

"Where has 5SOS been? The boys are going for tour in a few days and we have heard no signs of theme #5SOSTour"

I scrolled down a bit more seeing a few other tweets. I never realised they were going on tour. Had Ashton told Trish. "Shit" I whispered. I quickly looked up, seeing If i said it to loud for anyone to wake up. I locked my phone, just staring into space for a few minutes.

My phone buzzed notifying me that someone tweeted. I turned on their notifications for the 'Daily Teen News', don't judge. I gotta know the gossip. I swiped, opening the app.

"Who's excited for the Jingle Bell Ball? #JingleBellBall"

I didn't know what that was so I went onto the hashtag. I scrolled down, seeing a tweet saying 5 Seconds Of Summer were going to be there. It was in two days! When did they plan on telling us this those jerks. I locked my phone and decided to head out since I live next to Luke.

I grabbed my phone and headed into the lounge, a much of snores made me giggle slightly but I soon ignored it. I got to the front door grabbing my shoes not bothering to put them on, I slowly grabbed the handle of looks door turning it slowly as I heard the click sounding showing it's unlocked. I opened the door slowly, luckily it's not a creepy one. I heard some footsteps behind me, I turned around frozen as who it may be. I was quiet so I'm not sure how this person woke up.

I turn around seeing Calum and Michael, rubbing their eyes. "Where you going?" Michael whispered yawning.

"Uh, home" i smiled back, whispering.

"My back hurts, I was so uncomfortable" Calum spoke lending back and stretching his back.

"Wanna come sleepover at mine?" I smiled. "I have a double bed and I'm sure it's more comfortable then lying on the ground". Calum instantly lit up smiling.

The boys both nodded, grabbing their their phones as I waited by the door. Once they were ready we headed to mine. Mum was working so thank god it was just dad home. I unlocked my door quietly making my way to my room upstairs.

I got to my door letting the boys in first then closing the door behind me. I turned around already seeing the boys on my bed half asleep. I smiled giggling. I went around the side Calum was sleeping on and hoped in next to him. He turned around so he was facing me now. I could just see the outlines of his face. I felt his hand move to my face, pushing the hair behind my ear.

"Why didn't you tell me your going on tour?" I whispered.

He signed turning his head, looking at the roof. A few seconds he spoke. "It's harder than you thought."

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