Chapter 9

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I made my way around the room, once again, trying to find Luke. I think he should just stay in one area of the house or at least not walk off like a spoilt brat. I tried outside, but he wasn't there. I think, I've walked around this house at least 10 times, just trying to find people. I feel like people see me as a cop just don't like 'hey, Christine someone's missing go find then'.

I searched all the bathrooms, and rooms then I found him, sitting in Calum's room. He sat on the bed his heads in his head in his hands. I opened the door slowly, knocking on it, he looked up a bit startled, but then saw my face and went back to putting his head in his hands.

"Piss off" is all he said.

"Don't tell me to piss off when so far I'm the only person who has came to see you"

"Whatever" is all he said, his head still in his hands.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He looked up instantly, anger written all over his face. He stood up walking towards me slowly. "Me? what's wrong with me?" he pointed to himself still slowly walking towards me.

"You go, and kiss Calum in the closet-"

"Why does that fucking matter? Its a game" I yelled back, Luke only being a metre away from me now.

"I don't give a fuck if it's a game"

"So why are you so worked up? You go around sticking your tongue down every other girls throat"

"Maybe.." He paused for a second. "Maybe I'm jealous"

"Why the hell would you be jealous over me?" I shouted.

I stared at him into his blue eyes. "Ha, like I would be jealous over you, I mean look at you" he spoke looking at me up and down.

I just didn't know what to say, I may seem tough or at least tough enough to stick up for myself but for him, HIM to say that when he knows everything that has happened. I just didn't want to bother.

Tears started swelled up in my eyes. He obviously noticed and instantly regretted it.

"shit, Chrissy. I didn't mean it" he walked forward a bit. He tried to grab my shoulders but I dodged him slowly making my way out of the room.

"Do NOT call me Chrissy" and with that I walked straight out and stormed back down stairs. Why me? Why couldn't I just stayed home and let Trish come out by herself. I know that's not nice to say but I seriously have hated coming to my first party, what a load of fun I've had. I walked outside again and sat down just letting the tears flow, sitting all by myself. AGAIN.

I sat there for atleast half an hour, only hearing the sound of music coming from inside, the sound of the fountain and the crickets. So peaceful, only if I had my book with me.

"You algood?" I looked up to see Trish. All I did was nod. I quickly wiped my eyes making sure no tears were stained on my checks, she obviously didn't notice I was crying.

"I think it's time to go home, don't ya think" she sat down next to me. "My feet are killing me, and I hear you and Calum in the closet aye" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Okay, she doesn't know anything that's happened, good. I do not want to speak of this.

"Don't ever invite me to a party ever, especially with the four dicks here" I chuckled lightly Trish joining in.

We both stood up and walked back inside to get Trish's stuff. When we got inside we walked to where her purse wad. As she grabbed her purse, I noticed Calum walking past not even acknowledging me. Not even a snobby look. As he walked off and stared at him. Jerk.

Trish stood there watching me stare at him. "Don't bother, they are all jerks"

I turned back around so I was facing her. "But, you and Ashton?" i questioned.

"I'll talk about it later with you" she smiled. I didn't know if that was a good sign or not but I left it.

"Let's go" and with a nod we both made our way to the front door. Trish was pretty fast and was like two metres away when I was like way behind her. When, someone stopped in front of me. Michael.

He pouted. "what?" I asked.

"Please don't go"

"Michael, I have to..." and then I was embraced in a hug. He hugs like a teddy bear, I didn't want to let go. I just want to hug him forever.

"Remember to text me" he whispered and walked off to go back to partying. I made my way off again, seeing Trish out side waiting for me. I got to the front door opening it, and of course who, the only person I didn't want to sre, standing there. Luke.

I quickly tried to dodge him, but he quickly moved so he blocked the way. I stared at him. "Move" he simply just stood there, ignoring my nice command.

"Why are just standing there? Go fuck someone like you always do" I shoved past him, this time he let go. I knew he couldn't bother arguing about it. He's just another boy who's another jerk.

We got back to Trishs and got ready for bed. It was 4:46am, and I was tired and so exhausted. I hopped into bed and stared at the ceiling.

Just thinking, thoughts flowing through my mind.

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