Chapter 21

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The drive was very slow and awkward, that I ended up falling asleep. I just had so many thoughts going through my mind like the fact what i'm suppose to do when the boys have gone away, or what's going to happen with my dad. Will he kick me out? Will I have to apologize? But, what's going to happen with the stupid witch? I rather be thrown out then live with her ever again.

Luke woke me up, as my thoughts still stayed stranded in my mind. I looked around noticing we were finally at the airport. Luke was already out of the car unloading his suitcases from the boot. I got out the cold air making me shiver. I watched Luke who wheeled over his suitcases towards me, as they rumbled across the rocky concrete.

Luke stood in front of me just staring at me. I just can't believe they're going. I don't know if I should be happy, sad, excited, and miserable. It's all over whelming.

"Come 'ere" Luke opened his arms out as I walked into his chest snuggling my head and just smelling the gorgeous smell. We stood there a couple of minutes before I snapped into realisation that he has to go. I need to be grown up about this not some baby. I mean, I just had the biggest fight ever with my dad and I'm worried about the boys. Wow.

I stepped out of the hug catching Luke confused. "Let's go" I grabbed one of his suitcases walking into the warm aired airport.

We walked over to a bench near some information desk, Luke telling me we were going to meet the boys here. I sat down staring at my screen on my phone. I wonder if he's going to call.

"He will" I looked up at Luke seeing he was still standing up but looking at me. "I promise." Maybe I mumbled that, thought I said it in my head.

"Sorry" I small smiled when I looked down noticing my hands were vibrating and my phone was lit up. I looked instantly at Luke with wide eyes then he smiled, turning back around looking for the boys. I stood up walking somewhere else more private. I found a small corner which two long sofas sat. So I sat down, breathed in and out before sliding my finger across the screen answering the call.

"Hello?" I shakily answered.

"Christine?" The manly voice questioned. Yes, it's my dad.

"Hi Dad" I mumbled.

"Are you alright?" He seemed to not be angry at me, he was talking normally and I'm confused. Wouldn't he be yelling at me, demanding for me to come home or anything but no he's calm.

"Yes, I just thought you were going to yell at me or something" I honestly replied.

"No, we can talk later. I have to tell you something later as well, but" He paused for a second. "Where are you?"

"Oh right" I smiled knowing he couldn't see me through the phone. "I'm at the airport the boys are leaving to go to London or Chicago or something for a performance."

"Huh?" Is all my dad said. I laughed.

"I guess since your never home you haven't met them or anything. I'll explain later but I'll be home around an hour or so."

"Okay, just be safe" Then he hanged up before I could respond. I wasn't too worried, the fact we had a good conversation even though I just completely destroyed him and yelled at him. That went perfectly good, compared to how I imagined it.

I sat there for a few more seconds just thinking and staring at my phone when I heard some yelling. I looked around seeing people staring confused at the something. So I stood up and had a look, I walked around the corner when I noticed the yelling was louder I finally realised who it was. I turned to see all four boys jumping around like monkey and doing some random thing where they ran around jumping and leaping everywhere.

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