Chapter 10

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It was Monday, finally! We finished school on Friday so only 5 days left of school, five days for me to ignore Luke and his stupid boys. Trish and I never really talked about the party, it was more interesting than fun or lame, that's what we described it. I do admit, I enjoyed it for a first proper party, I mean I felt what the atmostphere was like and I now see that I'll NEVER go to a party ever again.

I put on my school uniform and grabbed my bag, heading downstairs for breakfast. I finsihed up, quickly escaping before my mum got up. She worked late night shifts so I never saw her occassionally in the mornings only afternoons. I closed the door locking it and started walking off to school. I already could see other students getting dropped off by parents and other students walking. I stared down at my feet while walking. I never knew why i did that it was a habit. Like usual I bumped into someone quickly looking up startled.

"Oh, gosh I'm so sorry" but before I could carry on apoligising, I noticed a familar person in my view. Luke.

"Wait, I'm not sorry" Is all I said and I walked away. Luke and I rarely bumped into each other obviously being next door neighbours, but Luke was too cool to enter school in the front way, so he walked around the back. Don't ask me, why because I don't know and I don't care.

"Chrissy." I heard him mumble.

"It's Christine" I remarked back, in a attitude tone and kept walking to school. I made it to school and headed towards my lockers meeting Trish there. I unlocked it using my code and opening it grabbing my English book and Dance booklet since they're the only subjects I have before break.

Trish should be here in 10 minutes so I pulled out my phone and just checked socail media, facebook, twitter, instagram, the normal. I noticed how many people posted pictures and status's about the party. Saying; "Best night ever" or "Had a blast, a night I could never forget"

Ha, I night I could defiantly remember. I just scrolled through quickly becoming bored and wanting to get to class to sit down. I see Trish and rolled my eyes at the way she comes in with a big smile on that is, until I look at who's next to her. Ashton. Well that explains why she's happy.

My smiled faded way, I could tell Trish noticed. "Hey" She came up to me. I didn't want to interact with Ashton as he stared at me with a sour face. Well Fuck You too.

"See you in class" I quickly turned around and walked off to class. I heard my name being called and I turned around to see Trish right behind me. "Christine, you can't ignore them"

"Watch me" and I turned around walking. I feel like I'm becoming to schools sass queen, I'm just sassing everyone who's ever in my way. Snap.

I made my way to English and sat in my seat, which is at the front. I got my books out and sat there, being a loser, yay! I looked around realising no one was in class, I grabbed my bag from under the desk opening it and grabbing my book out. I opened it and breathed heavily.

Finally being to read in silence, no distraction...

I opened the hook revealing my page, I started reading the relaxation hitting me.

A few minutes later of amazing quietness..

About ten student came through the door laughing loudly and talking. I rolled my eyes groaning. I feel like everytime I say something like that, something always happens. I tried to keep reading ignoring the people around me.

"Christine" I turn to see Luke next to me with Calum. I smiled at Calum but I never looked at Luke once.

"Hey Chrissy, can I talk to you later on?" Calum asked. I nodded still trying to not acknowledge Luke.

Calum got up walking away from me an leaving me with just Luke. great.

I turned around facing the front. Luke stayed staring at me. "Talk to me" I turned looking at him. The bell went and the teacher walked in greeting everyone.

"Looks like class is starting" I stayed looking at Luke until he got up to move, I'm winning now. The sass is on point.

Class went fast as I tried to not focus, on Luke. I tried, and tried but all I seemed to think about was Luke. Why wasn't he a smart ass to me? why am I thinking of him?

The bell went as I stared into space not even noticing until someone tapped on my shoulder giving me a small fright making me jump.

I turned looking up to see Calum. I smiled standing up grabbing my bag.

"I must of been day dreaming" I giggled collecting my stuff.

"Who of?" he smirked. I pushed him a little, I put my bag on my back and got ready to walk out when Calum stopped me.

I stared at him, his face having no expression. "what are you doing?" I questioned. He smashed his lips onto mine. I was stunned but surprised.

I pulled away just staring at me. "sorry"

I smiled. And started walking out of class but before I could I got stopped again, Calum grabbed my handing, looking at me for a bit and walking out of class, guiding me.

Well this is a surprise.

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