A mornings event (Mori jin x reader x lee Sujin) 18+

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This was a request from my Tumblr

Warnings: Explicit language, bad writing.

Content: Oral (Female receiving), unprotected intercourse, creampie, Facesitting, aftercare.

Read at your own risk!

Word Count: 3570

The reader was written as gender-neutral, as no gender was given in the request.


Warmth settled into my bones, a comforting weight was resting around my waist, a large warm hand on my back, my chest pressed softly against Sujin's slowly shifting back. The sound of soft snoring filled the otherwise silent room when I opened my eyes my vision was filled with my two lovers curled into each other, they looked divine cover in the golden light of the morning sun, I gently shifted Mori's arm from my waist and slid off the bed. I walked to our shared closet and slide on the fluffy, lavender morning robe, I turned and stopped to admire the two still asleep on the bed. Mori was rolled onto his side his arm wrapped around Sujin, his spiky brown hair was wild, the green eyemask that usually somewhat tamed his hair had been slid to rest on his eyes, his mouth was open and a small string of saliva was leaking onto the pillow. Sujin had curled herself into him her long purple hair was splayed on the pillow and her face was buried into Mori's chest. My feet tapped softly against the floor as I tip-toed to the door and gently opened the door, the hinges creak softly, as I slipped out and shut the door with quite click.

I walked down the carpeted hallway, the red and gold carpet was soft underneath my bare feet. When I reached the end of the hallway I slid through the open door and flicked on the kitchen lights they glow a soft yellow. The glow revealed an open plan kitchen and dining room, the dining room had a small round walnut wood table with three seats around it, in front of each chair was a small white placemat. The kitchen had a long wooden counter with a sink, with cabinets underneath it, behind that was a long 'marble' counter with a stove and a defuser above that, under the stove is a glass store oven to the side of these are cabinets they were a soft creamy white coloured. My feet padded against the cold wooden floor I walked to the fridge and opened it.

"What to make? What to make?" I muttered

Eggs sound good

I reached in a pulled out the full carton of eggs, a head of garlic and the soy sauce, I placed the ingredients on the countertop before walking to the cupboard and grabbing the sugar, sesame oil, salt and pepper and the bread. I slid to the sink washing my hands and throw on the apron, I reached to our dish rack and pulled out a cutting board, a chefs knife, a whisk, some measuring spoons and a few bowls. I picked up the head of garlic, pulled out three cloves peeled and smashed them into a fine paste. I placed it into a bowl, I then added 1.5 teaspoons of soy sauce, 3 teaspoons of sugar, I grab nine eggs and cracked them into the bowl and whisked. I placed the bowl down and dropped the whisk into the sink, I then pulled out a frypan and a heatproof rubber spatula. I placed the pan onto the stovetop and poured in 3 teaspoons of sesame oil, before turning on the flame I cut 6 thick slices of bread and placed them into a 6 slot toaster and began to cook them. I turn the heat onto medium-low and poured the egg mixture and stirred until the eggs were just undercooked and the bread had popped from the toaster. I turned off the heat on the stove, placed the eggs onto a pot coaster, pulled the bread from the toaster and slathering them in butter I place two slices on each plate and poured the eggs evenly over the three plates.

I turned to place the pan into the dry sink as I did so a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head nuzzle into my neck. A warm pair of breasts press against my back and lips gently trail down my neck, her lips stopped at the crock of my neck and began to suck and nip at the smooth skin. I reached my hand back and slid into her soft purple hair and began to massage her head softly, her fingers slowly sliding up my stomach, over my chest, to my neck her slender calloused fingers wrapping around my throat and gently tilting my chin upwards, she squeezed and began to suck roughly and bite the tender flesh her tongue gently caressing the growing bruise. She gently pulled away from the darkening bruise and place her chin gently on my shoulder.

God of Highschool x Reader: one-shots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now