200 follower special on Tumblr (Requests open)

370 7 6

Available characters; Sujin lee, Ilpyo Park, Mori Jin, Mori Hui, Mori Jung, Mori Dan, Wukong, King Uma.

Please include: Whether you want SFW or NSFW, the number, the name of the character you want and the reader's gender.


Kiss on hand

A kiss to stop someone from blurting out a secret

Calming Kisses

Wake up kisses

Kissing scars, on the body or on lips

A kiss on the shoulder blade

Kissing on the back of the neck

Palm kissing

Kiss secretly in a corner

Distracting kisses

Kissing in front of a fire

Awkward kiss after a first date

Forehead kiss

nose kisses

A kiss paired with a tight hug

Whispering 'I love you' between kisses

Playing with the other's hair and kissing them while they rest their head in your lap.

Cleaning the other person's lips with a lick and a kiss.

Kisses while cleaning the wounds of the others

Kissing their tears away

Holding the others cheek

Kisses while the other cooks

Stealing chocolate from the others mouth

NSFW: (If you want these to turn into sex, please write so in the request)

Kisses during foreplay

Kisses on sensitive areas

Sloopy, breathless kisses

Kisses that turn into bites

Kisses in the pool

Jealous kisses

Kisses while clawing at the others back

Kissing the other's skin while taking off their clothing

Rough angry kisses

Kisses after teasing the other all-day

Kisses that are interrupted by a friend or pet or a loud noise

Steamy kisses in a semi-public place (A dark corner of a club)

Shower/ bath kisses

God of Highschool x Reader: one-shots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now