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After six months...

Aviana was sitting inside the wood burgers after having ordered her usual. Mr. Coleman's business had skyrocketed and was going well. But today she was the only lucky customer in the usually crowded place. She had also ordered coffee for the one she was waiting for.

Aviana would probably never understand how Riaan could settle for just coffee while there were all theses mouth-watering items on the menu. It had been two weeks since she had last seen him but it was starting to feel like two months.

Riaan had been kind of busy lately considering that he was now a unit head. Yup, he made history by becoming the youngest unit head ever known to exist.

The honor had been given to him for bringing out the deeds of Silas and tearing his mask. In fact, all the other three were also offered a unit head position. Jayden had accepted it while Dash and Kenya had rejected it.

Dash went one step above by creating a new position for himself and was now recruiting other Roxos bored with their Roxo work. He was going to keep a check on all the Roxos and see to that they never used their power for personal gain.

Kenya had given up everything related to Roxos and was now concentrating on fashion designing. She had also come in terms with the fact that Riaan and Aviana were now together. At last, Kenya had turned out to be the loyal friend that Aviana had wanted. Sometimes the least expected things did happen and they made life much more beautiful.

Although their unit had been split, the quartet remained the same. Thick as ever. The only change was now they had an extra member in their team-Aviana.

As far as Aviana, things were back to normal. At least as normal as it could be. The silver diary had been retrieved from Scarlet and handed over to the cops. People had stopped blaming her and had accepted that Sage's death was only an accident. Mikilene was still being Mikilene; nothing changed there.

Mrs. Chase was back from the hospital and was back to daily life. She was still wondering where her favorite neighbor had gone. But she would never know the truth, Aviana would not complicate her life. Mrs. Chase thought Aviana had imagined the forest murder, and she would continue thinking the same.

Silas and his spawns were locked in the headquarters for the rest of their life. They would spend the seconds down there where not even sunlight could penetrate. A new chief had been chosen and everything was back in order for the Roxos. Not one Roxo would dare to misuse their power now after witnessing firsthand what happened to Silas, Scarlet, and Ash.

The food was brought to her table by Mr. Coleman. "Your order Avi."

The cafe door opened and someone walked in. Without even turning she knew it was him. The smell of Riaan's deodorant filled the cafe making her smile like a dumbhead. It filled her with the familiar feeling that she loved.

Coming from behind her, he placed a kiss on her cheek making both her cheeks glow red. He sat in front of her, his hands tucked into his black leather jacket. "I see you have ordered your favorite."

"You bet." She sat there taking in his disheveled hair, the way his eyebrows rose when his eyes landed on her food, the slight parting of his lips, and every other small detail about him that she had missed badly. The rumor was there were a bunch of girls writing petitions to the headquarters to be put in a unit under Riaan. Ya, he was kind of getting famous, more than he already was. Jayden also had the same problem going on for him. "So unit head, how are those meetings going? And how are your fangirls?

He was looking at her amusedly, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Sitting at the front row of all meetings."

Aviana could mentally picture those girls occupying the front seats, while Riaan sat there doing his official work. Lately, she had found out something. Yes, Riaan had always been alluring but when he was all work and serious, his charm just jumped in the scale. So Aviana could bet the girls were enjoying themselves. "It's not like you are going to notice them. So why even try?"

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