4🕊 her blame

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Aviana would not have called her life the most interesting, it was just normal life. A life filled with books, coffee, and books. There was a time she was addicted to reading, it went up to a level that her grades started to decline. So her mom had locked them all in a room and hid the key.

They didn't have rehab centers for book addiction, did they? She wanted them back so bad, that was her escape to the cooler world, a world where magic was real. Because the world she lived in was boring and normal, at least her life was.

If her mom was not going to give her the books, that was ok, she would write it herself. That was how she created the other escape mechanism.
She wrote stories thinking she was the lead girl. The plot was filled with magic, creatures, twists, action, suspense, spiciness, etc.

But the thing was, we all need to be careful about what we wish for because sometime our wishes could become true. About a year back, hers did, when she witnessed a murder in the forest. All the elements she had included in the book were there, the chase, the thrill, the scariness, and the violence.

Then the tables changed and all she wished for was her normal life, with no special spicy elements.

Then she had fled, searching a problem-free, anxiousness minus life. She did find it, a normal high school life where she had a bestie, it was filled with happiness and only happiness. Well, Mikilene was like a little cockroach, but nothing unbearable. She had thought her life was returning to normal from the dramatic. But then she got herself involved in another problem. Again a death had happened, the last one was someone else's fault. This was hers.

After Sage died, Aviana fell apart. Unpleasant memories of the past came tumbling to her, guilt ate her alive. It was hard to go to school. Aviana felt like she was once again in the forest, the nightmares had multiplied. The drama was back in her life on full force.

A boy named Guz had seen the conversation between Aviana and Sage. The story was that he passed by Sage's house in a cycle when he heard the argument. He had hidden behind the bush and overhead their talk.

The next day, he had told the whole school, on how Aviana had threatened Sage. While she walked by the lobby, people whispered about her. They called her a murderer. They did not even try to be discreet.

The queen bees too had avoided her, including Scarlet. And just like that, her happy life slipped away once again, and with that slipped away her bestie- Scarlet.

The next day after the incident, she was questioned by the cops and her principal. When she told about the diary and its location, they had immediately gone to retrieve it.

Now she sat in the principal's office. Her mother sat by her side with an anxious look. She kept fidgeting with her fingers as she had an eye on the door.

Any minute now the cops would bring the silver diary here. None of them believed her when she told them, she had not read it. They thought she was lying. She had told about the involvement of the queen bees, they had outright refused that it was their idea. She was not blaming this on them but they had been a part of it. She had expected at least Scarlet to stick up for her. At that very moment, Aviana felt betrayed. She found it hard to process that Scarlet too would do that to her.

Now the folds of Aviana's palm was streaming with sweat. She did not want to know what was inside the diary. It had to be quite serious if Sage had taken her own life for it.

The cops returned after an hour but there was no silver diary in their hand. Aviana got up from her seat, her mother had a hand on her shoulder for emotional support. The cops went straight to the principal. The Principal's eyes widened as the cops whispered something in her ears.

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