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Faraway from all the glow and the noise of the city lived the forest that was whispered to be haunted. What most didn't realize was, sometimes humans could be much scarier than ghost, spirits, or whatever you liked to call them.

Running through the forest was a black-haired girl drenched in rain. The lightning tore the sky, pouring down. The sky raged ferociously, proving none of us would stand a chance against nature.

The girl never stopped running. She ran with all the speed she could muster. She willed herself to keep running, even when she felt drained. The sky had almost finished its tantrum.

The monsters chased her through the forest. Was it a vampire or a werewolf? Or maybe it was a spirit like the town people suggested.

But no, this monster was of a unique kind. They had no fangs, no tentacles, and no claws.

Maybe anyone with evil intentions was a monster.

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