27. what is a Roxo?

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Riaan burst through the doors, his body composed to fight. He stood there taking in the situation, his eyes scanning her to see if she was alright.

Aviana brought her concentration back to her kidnapper- Jack. "Tell me, who are you?"

His pupils were dilated, his teeth were chattering. "I am a Roxo...a collecter. Please don't hurt me."

What he said did not make sense to Aviana, she had no idea what a Roxo was. "What is a Roxo?"

Before the boy could even open his mouth, Riaan was by his side. He yanked Jack away from Aviana's grip and pushed him to the floor. "Why are you making a conversation with him? It is clear he is not in his right mind."

Jack had backed away to the wall, away from them. "Not in his right mind!" Jack exclaimed, shooting Riaan an angry glare, who had upset him.

"You want to know what a Roxo is? Why don't you ask your blue-eyed boy, Riaan? He is a Roxo, like the one who sent me- Kenya. Kenya wanted me to ask those questions to you."

Why did he know Riaan's name? Aviana knew only one Kenya. She turned her head towards Riaan.
"What is he talking about?"

Riaan was also equally shocked by the reveal. He was looking narrowly at Jack. "Why are you asking me? He is mad, don't listen to him. He is playing you." He came near Aviana. "Did he hurt you? I think we should leave."

Aviana studied his face carefully. He was hiding something. He did not know Jack or about the involvement of Kenya. But he knew something else.
They started walking out, Riaan was on phone with Dash. "Dash, I will send you a location. Come pick up."

Jack was still slouched on the corner, looking scared and angry. "Tell Kenya, the girl is clean. Also tell her, not to ever include me in such stupid plans! And one last thing, she told me to get the name of the collecter who collected on this case. Well, it turns out, there was no such case." Jack had a hand on his nose, trying to stop the blood that was flowing like a waterfall.

Riaan stopped walking, looking thunderstruck. He went near Jack, leaving Aviana by the door. He tried to keep it quiet, so she couldn't hear but Aviana had an exceptional hearing ability. "What do you mean no one collected? Someone should have."

Jack was looking up at Riaan with an irritated, sour expression. "Collecters always stay updated on each other's cases, we even have a chat room. There was no such case, we never collected suicide cases."

The boy spoke in a low voice. She only heard the word 'suicide'. Riaan came back after that. "What did you talk with him?"

"Nothing, let's go." He had a hand on the small of her back. A very small gesture, she knew that. But that did not stop the shudder that passed through her, making her feel ionized.

Aviana screwed up her eyes at him, ignoring her girly feelings. He looked deep in his thoughts, trying to figure out something. "I am not a fool. You know something, you are not telling me."

"I save you and you shoot me with crazy questions!" He kept walking, not answering her actual question. She caught him by his arm, turning him to face her.

"I had the knife on him before you even entered the scene. Practically I saved myself and I know you are hiding something."

"Ok warrior girl, so what? It's not like you are not hiding something." He spoke in a harshly unpleasant way. Whatever jack had said had disturbed him.

"I am not hiding anything," she defended. She had shared every detail about her life with him. Including the details that no one knew about, except her mom, not even Scarlet. He had asked her to trust her and here he was, being secretive again.

"Oh, really? When you told me about that incident in the forest, you did not leave anything out?" He asked searching her eyes, in an inquisitive manner, which left her feeling exposed.

She looked down guiltily, feeling ashamed he found out about that. But she was not hiding, she just left out an unimportant, stupid part of the story. He hooked his fingers under her chin, lifting it up. "You don't have an answer, do you?"

"I will find out what you are hiding," she vowed, her eyes lit with fire.

He dropped his fingers, giving a haughty laugh. "You can try."

Dash arrived after that, he gave a suspicious look towards them, sensing the crackling in the air. If people could see auras, they would see Riaan glowing in an angry red one.

"Drop her in her home."

"Where are you going?" Dash was looking good, totally undetectable that just before days he had been attacked.

"To have a talk with your sister. Where is she?" Heatwaves rolled off him. Aviana was not a very big fan of Kenya but she felt sorry for her. Riaan was pissed, and it seemed like Kenya was the reason for it. Whatever the reason was, Aviana knew it had to be legit. From the way Riaan's whole behavior changed on seeing Dash hurt, she knew his friends were like family to him.

"She went to see a movie with Jayden. Look Riaan_" Before he could complete, Riaan had taken off. Aviana gave Dash an apologetic look.

Dash had dropped Aviana and rushed to Riaan. Whatever drama was going down between Riaan and Kenya, Dash needed to be there to make a truce, or so he said.

Aviana started moving towards her home when she noticed the nearby one, the one that had been deserted since they moved in, was now being occupied by someone. He was wearing dark jeans and a pale white t-shirt looking stunning. But that was not what struck her. It was his familiarity, she was sure she had seen him before.

Seeing her, he waved. He looked a little older than her. "Hey, I am Ash. Just moved in."

"I am Aviana. Welcome to the neighborhood Ash." She waved back. He was unloading the boxes and cartons from his car. The car looked expensive and rare, totally mismatched with the simple, small house he was moving in.

"We should hang out sometime." He was almost done with the boxes.

"Sure," Aviana replied giving a pleasant smile.

He waved and headed inside, locking the door behind him. Aviana tried recollecting where she had seen him. It was not just a passerby face, it was very familiar, like someone you saw daily. That was not possible. If he was someone she saw daily, how could she not remember him?

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