12. searching together

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Are waffles usually this delicious? Or is it just today? Aviana did not try to cover up her hunger. She attacked the waffle, savoring it. Sure, people would think she had been starved for days. But who cared, half the town thought she was a murderer.

After a while, she noticed someone had seized the seat near her. It was empty, while she sat there. Riaan sat there staring through the window. Is this boy following me? It doesn't seem like he likes me or something. Maybe he is from the press. Her overthinking mind was set into motion.

"Are you following me?"

Riaan did a spectacular job of ignoring her presence. He looked everywhere but her. She waved her hands in front of his eyes. Still, he sat unbothered. Jerk.

His waffle was brought. Before he could take his first bite, Aviana did. If he was not going to notice her then she would make her presence obvious. Finally, she had his attention, but he was pissed now. "What do you want?" he hissed.

"Hi, nice to meet you." His Waffle was still in Aviana's mouth.

"Can't say the same." He returned to his waffle plunging in a fork.

Aviana sat there staring at him for a while, then returned to eating. Aviana could not help but feel a little irritated. Yesterday Riaan had told her, they were friends. Not like she believed him but he could at least act as if he meant it. He had even wanted to meet again, but here he was being a jerk again.

She had come to see Scarlet, to apologize. Although it was not her fault, Scarlet's birthday dress had been ruined. But Scarlet had refused to even come down and see her, so instead of wasting the trip, Aviana had come to the nearby best waffle place. "Go, before I throw you out." Were the exact words Scarlet had used.

Aviana's waffle was over. She was about to get up when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned towards Riaan, but he sat there immersed in his waffle. Then she noticed Eugene- Sage's sister, standing behind her.

"How are you?" Eugene's smile was warm and inviting.

"I...I am fine." Out of all people, Sage's sister was the only one who asked her that question.

"I heard students are giving you a hard time. Don't worry, soon things will be alright." She laid an affectionate hand on Aviana's shoulder. Aviana was aware of Riaan's eye. Somehow she was having his attention now.

Sage's sister turned to walk away but Aviana stopped her. "I am really sorry about Sage."

"Don't be sorry, it was not your fault. I know the story going around; Sage had this big secret and how you threatened to reveal it and how she committed suicide." Eugene took a deep breath, her eyes were glassy. There were creases on her skin giving out that she had been in high stress and sadness.

"I know my sister. Even if you have taken the correct diary, things wouldn't have gone that way." Aviana knew it was hard for Eugene to talk about this. "I just hope her soul rests in peace."

"Ya, me too." Aviana's voice came out frail. Then Eugene was gone. Aviana sat once again, she was afraid her leg might give out.

"Are you ok?" Riaan asked concerned, his chair half tilted towards her direction.


"Is she related to Sage?" he asked curiously.

Aviana looked up at him. She had noticed it lately, Riaan exhibited a high interest when it came to Sage. Yesterday when he had wanted to ask her questions she had thought it would be about her, but he had asked only about Sage. "Why are you always curious about Sage?"

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