16. past catches

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"Your order." The waitress laid the food on the table. The steam flew above the coffee filling the room with a rich aroma. Aviana's mouth watered in spite of the drama that had just gone down.

"Are they your friends?" Aviana asked taking the first bite of her burger. As the softness of the steak hit her hard plate she could have moaned out loud.

"Yes, they are not usually this bad. It's just..." He looked towards the door like they were still standing there. They were long gone.

"It's just me." Aviana had no idea why his friends were repulsed by her, especially the girl. But again who wasn't lately? He gave her an unreadable look, his hand taking up the coffee.

Aviana wanted to ask him if the girl was his girlfriend. The way she had behaved made her look like one. Her instinct told her he wouldn't like that question. So she swallowed it back with her burger.

"Are you some kind of undercover agents trying to find the truth about me?" Even as she asked her question she knew he would not disclose his motive. The other boy had told it was not up to Riaan to decide whether she was a killer. Just who are these people?

"Undercover agents? Wow! First reporter now undercover agents. Your imagination really has no bounds. Does it?"

"Who are you? What's your connection to all this?" she tried again, desperately wanting to know his connection to all this. Am I going to find out he is a vampire and is here for his mate's revenge? Her imagination was hitting the roof picturing absurd scenarios where he sacrificed her or was drinking up her blood.

"The deal was I would not say my reasons," he reminded her. Aviana wished he had forgotten about that part.

"Do you want some? It is the best ever chicken steak burger." She offered bored and discouraged by his refusal to open up. He simply refused by nodding his head. In a matter of minutes, his cup was empty. It was Aviana's habit to savor the food slowly so her cup was near the brim. No one could blame her though since it was literally nectar.

He did not tell her to eat fast. He sat there observing her patiently. "If you do get a boyfriend, please do not take him out to eat."

"Why?" She stopped eating and furrowed her brows in confusion. Not that she was getting one but if she did, she would take him to 'wood burgers' for sure. What else could a couple want other than food and alone time in a calm place?

"He may feel jealous of seeing the attention and admiration you give your food." He was looking between her and the burger.

Aviana gave a crossed look and continued with her eating. "So how do we know for sure it was Mikilene?"

"We will have to set a trap so she reveals herself." His voice was rough.
It was becoming dark outside; the crickets were stridulating.

"What is the trap?" She had almost finished her burger. The waitress was putting up a scene like she was counting the cash, to hide her other action, that was ogling Riaan.

"We will figure it out." They further discussed other possible suspects. Riaan considered Melvin. It was true that Melvin wanted Aviana to get hurt. But that was after Sage's death. Before that Melvin was just another classmate who did not double-cross the bees. In the end, they decided Mikilene had the biggest motive and she was totally capable.

Aviana suggested she would pay. He had simply had a coffee. It was she who had stuffed her stomach full. He refused and stood up. "For the way my friends acted, it is only fair I pay." He took out his wallet. The waitress stood with an unremovable smile hoping he would notice her. He paid and started walking out not giving the poor girl a second glance.

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