40. love

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Dash took her outside closing the door behind him. Aviana could hear sniffling sounds behind the door, she wouldn't have moved an inch if Dash had not pulled her out. Aviana spoke wiping up the single tear that had fallen down, "Dash, I am going to my home. My room is not highly damaged."

"No, you are not. My home is very near, come let's go there."

"No, it's okay, be there for him." She started moving out without waiting to hear Dash's reply.

Dash blocked her way at the door refusing to let her go further. "I am doing this for him. He is angry right now or else he will not leave you to be alone knowing there is someone after you. Just come, at least for him. Plus, I thought we are friends Aviana."

Dash's home was even bigger than Riaan's. The insides were in pastels with bright lights to accompany them. The furniture was in different shades of pink and purple. The entire house screamed girly. Aviana sat on the big pink sofa, mind still on the other house across the street. "Is the interior decoration Kenya's idea?"

"No, mine. Why?"

Since it all looked girly, Aviana had thought it must have been Kenya's doing. "It's just very girly."

Dash leaned back on the sofa, hands tied behind his head. "Did girls get a patent for pink or what? It is my favorite color dude." He came near her and put a hand across her shoulder. "Hey, forget about everything ok, it's going to be alright."

"If I had reported the incident, if. Then would that have changed anything?" Even as she kept talking she wanted to run across the street and hold Riaan so much that it was starting to hurt physically.

"You wouldn't like the answer."

"Tell me." She prepared herself to hear what would have happened if she had reported it a year back. She needed to know how much she was to be blamed in this.

"If you have reported, we have Roxos in every field, they would have dug it deeper and the truth would have come out sooner. Riaan would not have spent a year blaming and at times hating his dad for the betrayal because I think the "traitor" story was just a cover-up. But the killers wouldn't have left you alive after that, they are doing this the slow way only because you did not report yet."

After that Aviana had gone to bed wanting to be alone. Each time she inhaled, Riaan's pain-filled face came into view and the tears were threatening to fall. If it did fall, she wanted to be alone for that.

She was on the bed eyes fixed on her palm which had dried blood of Riaan's. She had kind of always known it. When Riaan was hurting the pain had somehow transferred to her, the thing she felt for him was more than attraction or admiration.
The minute she knew that the desire of seeing him happy was greater than her need of wanting him to be with her, she had discovered that it was love.

The sun shone through the window brightly, waking up a still sleeping Aviana. She woke up to have last night's events come back at her. Last night the dreams had been happy, beautiful ones, where everything was ok between her and Riaan. The reality was quite the opposite and she would give anything in the realm to change that.

After getting dressed up she walked out to the living room where Dash was siping his chocolate milk. "Did you talk with him?" Those were the first words of her day.

"No, but he texted last night. Asking why I did not come back, and if I was alone aka is she with you." Dash threw the empty tetra pack into the dustbin and tossed her one.

"He was just checking on you Dash." Aviana caught the pack which came flying in the air from Dash.

"Pfft! Checking on me? In all our thirteen years of friendship not once he had texted me such things. I know him, it is about you. Aviana give him some time and space, you may not know this but he was quite attached to his parents. This is a big blow for him, for all of us. He will come around. Anyway, you look good today, where are you going all dressed up?

"It's the carnival today. Mikilene is going to be there. Riaan had a plan but should I continue?" She was sipping the chocolate milk Dash had tossed her.

"Of course yes. I agree Riaan is in a dark place right now but still, we should end all this for good. So the plan is still on. Let's get that Mikilene and produce her in front of the headquarters."

"Are you saying she is also a part of this? Is Amos the one doing it?" Aviana's bet was on Amos, he had the power to pull off this for sure.

"Mikilene is nothing but a testimony. As for Amos, I don't think he did all this, he is just a pawn. If he was the one behind all this, he would not have given your case to Riaan knowing it is linked with his father's death. That is a big risk. Do you want breakfast?"

"No, I am good. So we will be waiting for her in the cottage at night, she comes to take the diary and we get her red-handed." She had totally lost her hunger half because of what happened yesterday and a half because of what was to happen today.

Dash nodded standing straight like a soldier. "The action starts. It's time the bad guys go down. It's time we get a freaking win."

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