9. can't love a murderer

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The sun was about to set. The horizon
was yellow-orange. Riaan sat at the doorstep waiting for her. Riaan did not share his plan with others, they would think he was foolish. In a way, the plan was a foolish one. There was no guarantee Aviana would be saying the truth but she was the only key. Ken came in swinging her hips. It was clear she was pissed. "Are you going to the party?" she scowled.

"Yup." He got up.

"But, why_"

"There you are!" Mithali squealed interrupting Kenya. She took Riaan's arms. Riaan looked down at her hands while Kenya glared. Mithali was dressed in red. Riaan thought she looked stunning. Mithali can be clingy and irritating at times but he did not know why Kenya hated her. "Shall we go Riaan." Mithali was giving a sideways look towards Kenya.

"Ken, bye."

When Mithali had called him to the party, he had outright declined. Then, Mithali told him the party's host was a student in Aviana's school, which of coarse had interested Riaan.

He wanted to see who Aviana's friends were. Perhaps he could investigate them. He had then called and told ok to Mithali- she had jumped between heaven and earth. This would be a good chance to know Aviana better. The better he knew her, the closer he would come to the truth, the faster the assignment would be completed. The price he would have to pay for it was put up with Mithali and her proximity.

Mithali was clinging to him as if her life depended on him. She wouldn't let go of his arm. Her fruity scent was too strong for Riaan, blocking his senses.
As they entered the party, a blue car pulled up. He stopped short to get a look.

"What?" Mithali questioned. Her earrings were shining just like her dazzling eyeliner.

"Wait a sec." A girl got out of the car, alone. Riaan recognized the blue car instantly. He had seen it, driving away from Sage's house. If only they had been there seconds before, they would have stopped the car and liberated Aviana's soul. Aviana walked out of it. She was wearing a cream-colored dress. Her black hair was free. She stood there, staring at the party, looking unsure and hesitant.

"She looks so dull." Mithali assessed Aviana's looks. Riaan's eyes scanned Aviana. Mithali was wrong, it was her dress that looked dull, it looked like she was not interested to be here. Other than that, she was looking beautiful. Her single stone earing was highlighted by her black hair.

Aviana shivered as she stood in front of Morris's house. Morris is Scarlet's boyfriend. It was Scarlet's birthday. When Morris had invited her, she knew it was a bad idea. Though she had agreed after hearing Morris's sweet talk. He had told her how she was the only good friend Scarlet had ever had and blah blah blah.

Now she doubted her decision. Her guts told her this was a terrible idea to come here. She turned her heels ready to fly off.

"Wait." Morris appeared, wearing a suit looking like a decent host. "Where are you going?" He dragged her in, not giving an ear to her protests.

"Enjoy the party." He left to treat his guests, after seeing to that Aviana was not going to take off.

Aviana stood there awkwardly. The house had a typical party environment. The queen bees sat there playing spin the bottle, Scarlet was with them. She felt a pang of jealousy. People were casting her looks. She ignored it and moved near to the window. She wanted to be near Scarlet, hugging her and celebrating with her.

After a while, no one seemed to notice her. She then saw a familiar face, the blue-eyed boy Riaan was there. He was with a girl, a very attractive one. There was a hint of jealousy in her, it made her feel totally unreasonable. It was just that since she had known Chris well, Riaan also felt familiar. That was one stupid, screwed up feeling she was going through. He is not Chris.

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