48. Ash

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Riaan was searching for the key but it was all going in vain. Aviana too tried finding it but it was not there. The reality fused into her neurons. They were trapped with the killer. Even if they shouted for help no one would hear them in such an isolated place.

"Let me go in and check." Riaan started opening the door.

Aviana gripped his arm tightly and pulled him back. "No, you can't go in."

He turned his body towards her taking in her rapid heartbeat and her swirling eyeballs. "You are not sick, are you? What is going on?

Silas was walking towards them in slow, creepy strides. He looked like the very incarnation of the devil.

"Silas killed your parents. We need to go."

Riaan looked at her like she was joking, later his eyes throbbed as his face drained of color when he found out that she was not. "He is like my dad's brother, he wouldn't. Tell me you are joking."

Aviana really did want to break the truth in a subtle caring way but there was no time for that. "Why would I joke about this?" she asked rashly. "Jayden found it out. If you had attended his call he would have told you about it. It's a long story and ya, Scarlet is Silas's daughter. Now you have got enough explanation, let us run."

"No, Silas wouldn't do that." Riaan's lips gave out a barely noticeable tremble making Aviana guilty about the way she had broken the news to him. She should have been slow and delicate but there was no time to sugarcoat the truth for him. Before she could stop him, he was out of the car making his way to Silas. Aviana ran behind him getting out hastily trying to stop him. None of her efforts had fruits as Riaan easily dodged away all her protests.

Riaan stood in front of Silas, his eyes both pleading and fierce for the truth. Aviana moved close to him hugging his arms. She could see the movements of Riaan's Adam's apple, the difficulty with which he brought out the words. "Did you do it? Did you kill them? His voice was his usual monotonous concealing all that he was feeling inside.

Seconds passed as Silas and Riaan stood facing each other. Aviana refused to look at the devil's face, it both terrified and angered her.


Riaan's skin was hot and tingling, his eyes a red hot ball of fire. Pain and outrage were hiking through his face. "Were you also going to kill me?"

Silas gave out a causal shrug. "No, I really don't want to do that. It is the girl that I want. A Roxo alone can't become a witness. You need a normal human to back your statement. So leave her and go. Forget all this, forget her."

In the brink of a second Riaan had pinned Silas to the ground kneeling above him. "I saw you as a father." His hand came back and plunged forward with a brutal force, landing on Silas's face breaking his nose. "He saw you like a brother." Another punch and Riaan's knuckles were covered with Silas's blood. "It was you the whole time. How could you do this to him?"

Aviana stood there biting her lip so hard that it could bleed. The rational thing to do was to stop Riaan before Silas got badly hurt. But did she want to? After all that Silas had done to Riaan's family, he deserved this and more.

Drowned in watching Riaan beat the crap out of Silas she did not notice the sudden presence behind her. A hand came from behind to her neck, it pulled her back roughly as she crashed into a hard well-developed chest. "Stop. Or she dies painfully right here, right now. I wouldn't bother to use the liberator."

Riaan's hand stopped midway in the air, his spine which was facing her going rigid. The voice. She had heard it before. Riaan was still kneeling over Silas, who was now laughing like a maniac. "Perfect timing son."

Son! Does he also have a son? But Scarlet never mentioned a brother. Aviana tried to get out of the hand that was holding her, but the person's grip was like iron.

Riaan got off Silas wiping the blood in his jeans. Riaan turned his eyes towards Aviana also getting a look at the person who was holding her. "You?"

The male from behind came near her ear. His lips grazing her outer ear he whispered, "So when is your mother inviting me for dinner again. I really do love her spaghetti."


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