"I'm going with her to make sure she comes back safely to the guild."

Master Rue sighed before seeing them off.

"Please, children, make it back safely."


"So where are we even going? It says we're going to--"

"We're not going where the request came from. We're going to an abandoned city near Onibus Town. We'll hide there."

"What exactly are we hiding from?"

"I sense a Sin near Crocus, which means that they found out where I am. I'm going to lure them to the abandoned city and take care of them there. Nobody will witness it and nobody has to know."

"Cool. I'm ready to kick some demon ass--"


"What do you mean no?"

"You're not fighting. I'm doing this myself."

"Emi, you can't be seri--"

"This is a Sin, Sting. It's not something that can be messed around with. I aim to go straight for the kill, and I don't want you getting in the way of any fatal spells. If he sees you, he'll aim for you because he'll know I'll try to protect others from getting hurt. I don't need that distraction."


"Hurry up and get on the train."

Sting and Emi boarded the train and headed towards Onibus Town. Once the train started moving, Sting became sick and fell to the floor. Emi kept looking out the window with her eyes narrowed. Emi suddenly turned to Sting and pulled him up from the floor before elbowing him in the gut, knocking him unconscious.

"Sorry, Sting. I can't be distracted right now."


"For an abandoned city it looks well taken care of."

"This used to be the place where Cain and I would train. It was near Onibus, so we would be able to gather supplies rather easily."

They walked in silence for a minute before Emi stopped walking and spoke up.

"I need you to stay clear of the fight. I would like for you to hide in one of the buildings at the edge of the city and stay there until I say you can come out."

Sting went to argue, but he saw that she looked down in sadness.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Emi said as she pulled her hood off. "I just hate doing this when there's people to protect."

Emi's ears perked up as she heard a small rumble from the center of town. She turned to Sting and told him to hurry to his hiding spot.

"Wait, so you just hid the entire time? You didn't even help?" Natsu shouted.

Sting turned away from the fire dragon slayer.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the demon's child."

Emi turned to face the green-haired Sin.

"Long time no see, Gluttony," Emi sarcastically remarked.

"I've finally found you after all this time. Tell me, how many of my little spies have you killed? They never seem to make it back. It's a shame."

"Don't worry. You'll see them soon enough."

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