The Marauders| Not Again

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I looked up from my book to see Lily looking out the window from our common room in horror. I frowned as I got up, wondering what was wrong.

I stood beside her, looking out at the Forbidden Forest and she turned slightly to me, "Amelia?"


"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

"Yeah." Down at the edge of the forest was a stag with a dog riding on its back, running in circles.

"Hey Remus." I called over my shoulder to the sandy haired boy.

He looked up from his work, looking slightly frazzled, "Yeah?"

"Can you come here?"

He looked confused as he got up and stood beside us.

"I think I'm going crazy." Lily muttered as the stag continued to run around in circles, the dog seemingly enjoying his ride.

Remus looked down and sighed, "Goddamnit, not again." And then left, leaving me and Lily even more confused.

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