Momiji Sohma| My Cute Little German Boy

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I glanced out of the window as I walked out of my classroom. I don't know why the school decided to separate me and my twin sister. Maybe they thought that the Uotani sisters would be too much chaos together.

I gasped as I pressed myself against the glass that overlooked the tennis courts. I saw my sister, Tohru, and Hana outside with some of their classmates, playing badminton. How dare they play badminton without me!

"Aaarrrggghhhhh!" I yelled as I ran outside towards them, preparing myself to jump onto my sister. "How dare you play badminton without me! You guys are utter assholes!"

I slowed as I noticed two guys that I hadn't seen before... well I wasn't sure if the blond one was a guy or not. He did seem very feminine. I shook my head, deciding to not dwell on it too much.

"Who're these two fuckers?" I blurted out, not thinking about my crass choice of words.

"Fuckers...?" The tall one with an undercut muttered while the short blond one stared at me with a smile, sparkles seemingly coming from them.

"Hi!" The small one grabbed my hand, "I'm Momiji Sohma!"

I blinked at their German accent. A foreigner.

"I'm, uh, Arisu Uotani." My mind felt jumbled at the kid's sparkles. Not even Tohru sparkled like this.

"Hatsuharu Sohma." The tall one said.

"Oh great. More Sohmas. The whole school's invested with them now." I muttered.

"Do you want to play badminton with us?" Momiji's smile and sparkles would've made it very hard to tell him no, if I hadn't already planned on playing with them.

"Ah, uh, um, y-yeah. Sure." I felt bewildered as Momiji drug me behind him on his team. He wasn't giving me time to think, to comprehend what was happening.

I glanced at my sister and Tohru as Momiji giggled as we started playing badminton. What was with this boy?
I hummed as I skipped down the stairs leading to the first year hallway. I had heard the annoying voice of our student council president so I was tracking him down to annoy him even farther. He hated the fact that I had so many piercings, especially my facial piercings.

I had done all the piercings myself, even my tongue piercing, while I was in the gang alongside my sister. I kept them because I thought they made me look cool and scared off people.

"It's unbecoming of a man to wear the girl's uniform!" I heard the president's voice and I knew exactly who he was talking to.

I could feel a scowl on my face. I hadn't even realized my mood had shifted that much until the president's face was in my palm and I was pushing him to the ground.

"Hey, scum." I growled as I lowered myself to his ear. "You leave Momiji alone. If I fucking hear you say anything about what he wears again, you won't have a tongue or even a jaw anymore. Got it?" I asked lowly.

"Ye-ye-yeah!" The president squeaked as he scrambled up.

"Hey, are you okay?" I looked down at Momiji, wanting to make sure the president hadn't made Momiji feel bad or anything.

There was a slight frown on his face but that soon was overcome by a bright, Momiji smile. "Yeah!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I patted his blond hair. From the moment I had met Momiji, there was something about this little German that just made me want to smile. Maybe it was his cute little accent.

"Good." I watched as the president came out of the bathroom with Hatsuharu, a dazed expression on his face as he muttered something about natural hair. It seemed that he picked a bad day to try to pick on the Sohma family.
I huffed as I ran. I was going to be late to my job.

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