George Weasley| Time

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I looked up at the house in front of me. It definitely goes against physics, there is no way this tall, lopsided house should be able to stand. The door opened and out ran my best friend, Ginny Weasley.

Her red hair trailed out behind her as she ran up to me and tackled me in a hug, knocking us both down. I looked up at her, grinning, "Nice to see you too mate."

We were going to be going in our second year and after the whole fiasco with Tom Riddle's diary, hardly anyone wanted to be friends with her. But not me, I stuck with her through thick and thin. Even when she was raving over not being able to find it and that it turned out to be the possessed diary. And so here I am, going to spend the last days of my summer with her at the Burrow.

"I've just missed you." She said as she got off of me.

I sat up, "Well maybe if your family hadn't gone to Egypt then you wouldn't have missed me so much."

Ginny's mother came out on the porch, "Ginevra Weasley! You know you can't leave the door open! It lets the gnomes in!" She smiled as she saw me, "Oh Gabrielle dear, welcome. Please come inside."

Ginny helped me up and I grabbed my trunk, "I'm sorry about mum." She whispered.

"It's alright." I whispered back, "I love her already."

I followed Ginny inside and I looked around in awe. The Burrow was way different then my home. Mine was a plain house in a muggle suburb with plain furnishing inside. The Burrow was... eccentric. I looked at a grandfather clock and saw all the Weasleys on little spoons that let Mrs. Weasley know where everyone was at all times. I squinted and saw that Harry Potter was on one too.

"Hey." I said, getting Ginny's attention, "Is that Harry Potter on one of those little spoons?"

She looked at it with a blush, "Y- yes. Mum considers him family after all he's been though with Ron. And me." She mumbled.

I put my arm around her shoulders, "Hey, it wasn't your fault Gin. So don't beat yourself up for it."

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and we turned to see the Weasley twins, Fred and George. One of them, George, looked at us and whistled, "Woah there, I didn't know we were going to have a hot girl in the house."

I felt myself blush. I will admit, I have matured faster then any other girl in second year and I've started getting looks everywhere I went. Ginny hissed something underneath her breath and George held up his hands, a crooked smile on his face, "Calm down Gin, I was just joking." He came up and ruffled my hair, "This one is like a sister to me, I could never see her like that."

Fred snorted, "Just a minute ago you were going on and on about-" Before Fred could continue George covered his mouth.

Fred struggled against George's grip and George just smiled at us, "Don't listen to anything this prat says."

I looked over at Ginny who just shrugged and grabbed my hand, "If you'll excuse us, we'll be up in my room."

"I wouldn't get too comfy. Mum said we'd be leaving for the Leaky Cauldron soon." George said as we walked upstairs.
Third Year
I yawned as I walked down from Ginny's room. Everyone else was still asleep but I couldn't fall asleep, too excited for the Quidditch World Cup. I walked into the kitchen, surprised to see someone else up. They turned at the sound of my footsteps and I suddenly became self conscious of what I was wearing.

George watched me as I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to ignore the fact that I was wearing a ratty old tank top with a hole at the bottom and sweat pants that were paint stained. He grinned, "You couldn't sleep either?"

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