Hanataro Yamada| Cute

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I sighed as I walked into a small convenience store. Karate training had gone a little longer than I expected but I shouldn't have been surprised. Tatsuki had always loved training with the older students, especially against the number one in Japan. We were our school's pride and joy.

My mother would have my head if she knew I was getting a meal from the convenience store, one of those meals that are already prepped and heated up in a microwave by the store clerks. But I was too tired to care. I was tired and I didn't feel like hearing her nagging me which would drain me even more.

Even though I had changed out of my uniform and showered, I still felt dirty as I walked through the aisles of the convenience store, picking out chips and candy. Maybe I just wouldn't go home. Maybe I would just go back to the school and sleep in the gym.

"Would you like this heated up?" The store attendant had a high pitched voice and I looked down to see him looking up at me with a smile.

"Yes. Please." I added, like an after thought.

I watched as he took the meal box, heating up in the microwave. He was bent down, watching it and I could hear him mumbling to himself, something about how microwaves work. A little bit of a weirdo.

He turned back around, his small smile back on his face. He was kinda cute, as far as weirdos go.

"Here you go." His eyes were a light blue and held such a kindness in them that I hardly saw in anyone, except for Tatsuki's friend, Inoue. It was... nice.

"Thank you." I gave him a little bow as I grabbed my stuff, going outside to eat it.
The next time I went into that convenience store, I was in a bad mood. Not because of anything in particular, I just wasn't in a good mood.

I glanced to the counter as I walked in, hoping to see the little weirdo clerk again. He was cute and cute things were guaranteed to put me in a good mood.

There was a man leaning against the counter, yelling at the store clerk. It was the cute store clerk too. He was cowering as the man continued to yell at him.

"Hey." I said lowly as I walked up to the man who was yelling.

"What?!" The man turned, spittle flying everywhere as he yelled at me.

"There's no need to yell." I said. He wasn't too much taller than me. I think I could take him down if needed. "Me and the store clerk are right here. Now, if you please would leave."

"Not until he apologizes to me!" The man yelled and I sighed as I wiped his spit off my face.

"S-s-so-." The clerk whimpered and I shook my head, cutting off his apology.

"Why does he need to apologize? You're scaring him and disturbing everyone else in this store. If anyone should apologize, it should be you."

The man's face slowly grew red and I could see him shaking from anger. Good. When opponents were angry, it would be easier to take them down.

"You and this brat needs to learn respect! Respect your elders!" He screamed, raising his hand.

I blocked his arm, "If you hit me, that's assault on a minor and I could press charges. Now, leave." I hissed.

The man huffed, his face turning almost purple. When I didn't think he would leave, I held my phone up. My phone charm twinkled as I shook it.

"The police would love to know all about the man who assaulted a minor and was disturbing the peace in a convenience store. I'm sure the workers and everyone else in here would gladly back me up." I didn't look away from the man. I needed him to see that I was serious.

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