Kakashi Hatake| Thanksgiving

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A/N: I know that in Japan they don't celebrate Thanksgiving like the U.S. does but they still have a holiday near the same time called Labor Thanksgiving Day where they celebrate workers like firefighters, police officers, and hospital workers. In this story we will have the traditional U.S. Thanksgiving along with Japan's Labor Thanksgiving Day.
I rocked back and forth on the heels of my feet, waiting impatiently for the Anbu forces that the Hokage decided to let off today for Labor Thanksgiving Day. I had never seen an Anbu before and I was excited along with the rest of my classmates since we were about to graduate the academy and be full fledged ninjas too.

"Okay guys, is everything ready?" Our teacher looked at us before looking around the room. We had decorated it in hand turkeys that looked like they were made by a bunch of five year olds instead twelve year olds, and there was strings of fake leaves around the walls of the room. The teacher sniffed, the food we had helped prepared made the room smell like turkey and mashed potatoes. "It certainly smells good in here."

I perked up, hearing footsteps thumping down the hallway and I started bouncing in place. "I can hear them." We had already sent out homemade cards to the other workers of the village and had given our thanks to the Hokage in person. Now it was time to thank the people who protect us from the shadows.

The door slid open and my breath hitched in my throat. The first Anbu ninja who walked in had a fox mask, silver hair spiking up and a sabre poking up from behind his shoulder. I could see his eyes from the shadows of his mask and what surprised me was that one of his eyes was the Sharingan of the Uchiha. But only one eye.

"Everyone, welcome the Anbu forces and thank them for everything they do for us." My teacher gestured for us as all the Anbu filed into our small room. I knew that couldn't have been everyone. It was too small.

"Thank you!" We all bowed, making sure to not knock over the door we had prepared for them.

My classmates and I served them ourselves and when the first Anbu that had entered, the silver haired one with the Sharingan, told me thank you, I had barely heard him. His voice sounded so devoid of emotion that it shocked me.

"Y-yo-you're we-we-welcome." I stuttered out, heat rushing to my face as I averted my gaze from him. I might not know what they look like underneath their masks, but I know that if I ever meet the Sharingan user again, I would know.
10 Years Later
I tried to keep my face blank as I made my way through the academy, not wanting to scare any of the kids but I could tell they felt my anger through my footsteps.

"Iruka. May I have a word?" I didn't allow Iruka to give me an answer before stepping back out of his classroom, leaning against the wall as I tapped my fingers against my side impatiently.

"Yes?" He slid the door closed behind him and gave me a smile.

"My brother. Who was his sensei supposed to be? The one who failed him?" I folded my arms, waiting for an answer so I could hunt down the man who failed my little brother.

"Ah," Iruka's face grew a little worried, "that would've been Kaka-"

"That would be me."

I froze at that voice, recognizing it after all this time. The Anbu Sharingan user. I turned, holding my breath as I faced him.

He was leaning against an open doorway, his silver hair still spiky and half his face was covered by a mask. His Leaf headband was covering one of his eyes, the one with the Sharingan. My breath hitched in my throat and I felt like I was twelve years old again, having a crush on a mysterious Anbu member that I had only seen once.

"W-well," I cleared my throat, trying to regain some of my composure, "I want to know why you failed my brother?"

"It's simple really. Him and his team didn't meet my expectations."

I had to take a deep breath to keep from exploding at the masked man. "And what expectations were those?" I quirked my eyebrow at him, finally being able to meet his gaze.

"Teamwork. They had a severe lack of teamwork. So they failed my test. Hopefully they will be able to grow together after that and become shinobi the village can be proud of."

I hated that he had a point. My brother was not the best at playing well with others, a habit he had gotten from me. "Okay. Thank you for your time." I bowed before going to leave.
"I met the man who was supposed to be your sensei. He seemed to be a real piece of work." I muttered, angrily stabbing at my food as I ate with my brother.

"Oh, Kakashi-sensei?"

I frowned, realizing that I hadn't even got his name. But I did remember that Iruka was going to tell me his name. It sounded like Iruka was about to say Kakashi.

"Yes. He said that you didn't have good teamwork. Is that true?" I stared at my brother, waiting his answer.

He blushed as he averted his gaze, slowly playing with his food. "Well, yes."

I sighed, "What did I tell you about being able to work and get along with your teammates? I know it can be hard sometimes but you need to get along with them."

"I know, I know. I'll do better this time around."

I softened, giving him a smile, "I hope so."
I grabbed my little brother's head, forcing him to bow as we stood in front of the Hokage, "Bow brat. Show some respect to the Hokage."

"Ow." He grumbled before relenting, "Thank you Lord Hokage for everything you do for our village."

The Third Hokage laughed at my brother as he smoked his pipe. "Thank you for being apart of this village's future."

I sighed as I watched my brother run off. "I'm sorry Lord Hokage. Thanksgiving just isn't what it used to be."

"Even so, still be thankful to those around you."

I gave the Hokage a smile, "Thank you." I went off, trying to find my brother when I had accidentally ran into someone.

I blinked, looking up to see familiar spiky hair. "I'm sorry Kakashi." I felt a little timid in front of him, knowing that he had been apart of the Anbu at one point.

"Huh? Oh, it's fine." He glanced at me, "How's your brother."

"A brat that's slowly learning teamwork." I grumbled.

"That so?"

I nodded before bowing, "Oh! Thank you for your hard work Kakashi."

"And yours as well."

I glanced up at him, wondering how someone could be so devoid of emotion. "I met you once before ya know. Before I had came to see why you failed my brother." The words bubbled up in my throat before finally bursting out.

"You did?" He didn't seem that surprised to hear that, or maybe he just doesn't get surprised often.

"Yes, when I was about to graduate from the academy. We had the Anbu come for a Thanksgiving dinner and you were the first Anbu I had ever seen."

"Hm. You've definitely grown up a lot since being a kid who couldn't stop staring at me that entire day."

I blinked, my face flushing. So he had noticed me staring at him that day. "I-I'm sorry."

He laughed and I was surprised. I didn't think I'd ever hear him laugh. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure a lot of your classmates stared because of my eyes."

"I just thought you looked cool." I muttered before relief flooded through me at the sound of someone calling to come get food. I smiled up at Kakashi, hoping that I would be able to see him again after this, "Happy Thanksgiving Kakashi."

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