Curupira| Poachers

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The girl walked through the woods, amazed at its beauty. She was here to do a documentary on poachers and how they were destroying ecosystems.

She heard the rustling of footsteps and panicked, thinking she was going to meet a poacher. She didn't know what to do if she did. She supposed she should call the authorities.

"Ember! There you are. Everyone was wondering where you went." The bushes parted to reveal a purple haired girl, Violet.

Ember relaxed, "Sorry Vi, I just wanted to see the forest. It's so amazing."

Vi grinned, "It is amazing right? But we need to head back to base. Tony said they have leads on a potential poaching."

Ember nodded as she picked up other noises, the slight crunch of a leaf from someone experienced in trying to be silent, "Alright, sounds good. Well the poaching isn't good, I'm talking about the lead." She started fumbling over her words as Violet laughed.

"I get it." She linked her arm with Ember's, "C'mon, let's go. We got a early start tomorrow."

They started through the bushes, Ember looking back for a second to see a flame before it quickly disappeared. She frowned, what was that?
Ember carried her camera with her, occasionally recording her trek as she followed the team to some known poaching sites. They were trying to catch one in the act. Or better yet, get the whole bunch.

She stopped to look at a orchid. Orchids were somewhat rare in this part of the forest and this was the prettiest orchid Ember had ever seen.

She didn't know how long she had stared at the flower, only when she looked up she realized the team wasn't there.

She could feel panic rise up inside her as she looked for the taletell signs of their passage; broken twigs, stomped leaves, freshly moved dirt, faint outlines of boot prints.

But what confused her was the footprints. They looked like they stopped beside of her but she never saw anyone pass by.

So she went in the direction that she thought her team went while staring confusedly down at the footprints that went the opposite direction. It made no sense.

She continued on, listening to the sounds around her and she thought she was getting closer, hearing twigs breaking in the distance.

She sped up, bringing up her camera up to record and she saw... fire?

Fire on a man's head. Maybe it was a man? She didn't know as she lowered the camera to stare at the man? With a wide mouth.

He looked at her, it was definitely a he, with golden eyes and a quirked up mouth that spelt mischief. And his hair was fire, definitely fire. And inverted feet.

She looked at the feet and then to the footprints and everything made sense. This was of Brazilian myth, the Curupira.

He was quite handsome and Ember felt warmth fill her cheeks at that thought.

They stared at each other, him with that mischievous air and her quizzically.

"A-are you the Curupira?" She asked, fearing he would disappear.

He nodded. She felt like she should leave, the natives here told her to watch out for the Curupira and it's cousin, the Caipora. Especially to watch out for the Caipora at night for it brings along with it misfortune.

"Are... are there poachers around? Can you take me to them?" Ember gripped her camera tighter, awaiting his answer.

He waited a minute before nodding then extended his hand out to Ember. She looked down at it, apprehensive until he gave her a little smile that conveyed everything would be fine. She took his hand.

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