Takuya Muramatsu| Warm

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I sighed as I tried to read my book, ignoring my classmates and my odd teacher. We had another teacher before him, she wasn't as odd as Koro-sensei but she was still weird. Weird in a good way. She had tried so hard for us yet we never appreciated her. We never got the time to.

I didn't like participating in my classmates assassination attempts to kill our teacher. I didn't like the thought of killing someone or something, even if that something did destroy the moon. It always gave me a headache, thinking about assassinating Koro-sensei. I didn't want to.


I glanced up at my name and noticed that it was just me and Koro-sensei left in the classroom. Everyone else must be outside with Mr. Karasuma for training. "Yes Koro-sensei?"

"I've noticed you haven't been participating in the class's assassination attempts. You've never made any attempt on your own either."

I blinked at him before leaning back in my seat. "Do you want to die Koro-sensei? Does anything in life really want to die? Isn't every single one of us struggling to survive and live in this world?"

"Maybe so Tomomi but it's imperative that the whole class kills me. Without your help, it'll all be for nothing."

Koro-sensei's facial expressions hardly change. The only way we know how he's feeling is by his color. It's always the same dumb, happy go lucky smile on his bright yellow face.

"No. I'm not a murderer Koro-sensei and I don't plan on becoming one."

He hummed to himself as he walked around the room. I felt like I wasn't going to like the next words that came out of his mouth.

"I know why you were sent to Class 3-E."

I flinched. This was the first time that he had ever brought up why any of us was in the "End Class." It was a low blow.

"I'm trying to forget that Koro-sensei. I'm not that person anymore and you damn well can't make me become that person again." The anger, that familiar rise of heat was starting to creep up my body. It always started with my toes. A tingling sensation that traveled from my toes to my heart, burning brighter and brighter until it reached my head and all I could see was red. That anger is what sent me to Class 3-E.

"I know you've become a better person. And you should be proud of that. But I just want to help you improve more."

I couldn't handle it anymore. I stood up, my chair falling behind me from the force. "I am not a murderer!" I had to get out of the small school building or else I was going to blow up.

"Tomomi! You're late!" Mr. Karasuma yelled at me from where he was instructing my classmates through knife training exercises.

I could feel sweat start to form as I held myself back and I licked my bottom lip, the cold metal of my tongue piercing sliding across the thin skin. If you saw me on the streets, you would give me a wide berth. After I had started my first year at Kunugigaoka Junior High, I fell into a bad group who encouraged my anger. It had taken a lot for me to leave them. But I kept all the piercings I had done to myself. It made people leave me alone because they thought I looked scary.

"Sorry Mr. Karasuma." I ran, not looking back at my class as I started into the woods that covered the mountain. I needed time to center myself.
My classmates ignored me and even the "big bad group" consisting of Terasaka and his friends wouldn't dare mess with me. I don't know if it's because they know why I'm in Class 3-E or if I just give out a menacing aura. Truthfully the only ones who'll talk to me on their own violation is Meg, Isogai, and Karma. Karma likes to try to make me mad.

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