2. Felt like sitting with you

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There was a buzzy vibe in the classroom as laughter and chattering bounced off the plain white walls while she awaited the teacher's arrival. Around her, students circled around tables and walls in cliques while rumors flew from lips to ears and she looked on from an isolated corner at the back of the class. The perfect place for a soul like hers.

She took a glance at the doorway for the seventh time that period, craving like she had the past six times that the algebra teacher would walk in already.

A shadow appeared at the doorway and she kept her gaze fixated on the door, expecting to lock eyes with the teacher.

A tall, blond boy was coming through the door. Even from a distance, Chloe could tell he was either an athlete, or someone who went to the gym a lot. He glanced around, like he was looking for someone. He had high cheekbones, a strong jaw line and full lips. He looked more like a model out of a shoot for Calvin Klein than a normal everyday boy.

His eyes were undeniably stunning. An intense cobalt blue that shimmered in the light. Awkwardly, his head snapped in her direction and he caught her staring.

Oh curse my luck!

A smile danced on his lips, and she quickly turned her gaze away, burying her face behind the super large algebra text-book they used for the class.

For a split second, the class grew quiet and calm.

Thinking the teacher had finally walked in, Chloe dropped her text-book on her table and glanced around, stunned to find about a dozen pairs of eyes staring her direction.

What's the matter with them? she thought before her eyes fell on mysterious blonde dude strutting care freely towards her seat.

Oh, God no. Please let him pass. Please don't sit here...

She swallowed a nervous lump in her throat as he slid in next to her. The blonde girl sitting right in front of her turned around and tossed her a lethal glare and she gulped again, feeling like she was in the scene of a movie when literally every girl in the room shot her volcano hot stares.

"Hello,'' mystery guy said, flashing a smile so bright she was scared her eyes would go blind from staring too long at his perfect face.

"Hope you don't mind much but, I'd noticed you from the door, and felt like sitting with you," She stared at him, straight-faced.

"I'm Ivor," he extended an arm, still flaunting the striking smile.

She looked between his extended hand and the class that was slowly returning to its noisy state again before taking his hand.

"Chloe," she muttered, managing a thin-lipped smile.

"Nice meeting you, Chloe.''

Chloe shook her head in her mind, chewing on her bottom lip. She had to correct his impression of her, just in case he was catching the wrong vibe from her politeness. "Okay, listen up. I usually just sit by myself all day because I don't want any trouble." she sighed, scratching the nape of her neck.

"I'm okay being alone and I love the peace and quiet back here. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd prefer if you could stay out of my way this entire semester. I promise, I'll stay out of yours in return." she stared straight into his eyes, catching a hint of wonder in them. Although she had no idea why.

"I totally get it. You prefer being left alone. I won't bother you any further," Ivor said, giving her a thumbs up and a shrug.

Hmmm... that was easy Chloe thought, focusing her attention on Ms. Sydney who'd just walked into the classroom, not exactly eager to have further tête-à-tête with him.

She could feel the burn of his eyes against the side of her face as she threw open the large textbook right in front of her, but pretended not to notice.

"Good morning class," Ms. Sydney said, "I'm sorry I arrived late. I got called into the principal's office."

There was quiet mumbling and murmurs from the students.

"Now. . ." She dragged the word, regaining control of the class.

"Everyone open your text books to chapter one. We'll be doing a revision on last years' topics before diving fully into this years' work"

"Okay..." A few students said, while some groaned loudly.

"Be quiet!"Ms. Sydney ordered sternly, and the room drowned in silence,

As the rustle of papers mixed with Ms. Sydney's voice, filled the room, Chloe tuned everything out, drifting off to her own world of thoughts.

She had been enjoying her simple, quiet and reserved time at the back of the class before he came. She was well aware that most people sat at the back of the class on their first day because they were shy, but would later find new seats once they found new friends, but was bothered by the fact that Ivor had decided to sit here. In her corner of the class, the space where she fused with the walls and completely disappeared.

Reassessing his looks from the corner of her eye, she decided that he was most definitely popular boy material for Crossbury High. The only thing he seemed to be lacking was the extremely suffocating and infuriating ego that always came with their packaging.

She could bet on Miss. Puffs her favorite sleep doll, that by tomorrow, all the previously empty and unfilled seats at this side of the class would be filled with girls wanting his attention. Since she loved being isolated so much, she'd have to find a new spot to stay, somewhere where no one would bother her by trying to socialize with her. As this was the only part of the class where she had managed to blend in perfectly with the walls and had attracted no attention to herself, she was sure a seat like that did not exist.

Staring at him lean on his chair, with his legs sprawled out in front of him, she realized that one thing was very well established between them. No matter who Ivor was, or how much he resembled a younger version of Chris Hemsworth, he had effortlessly given her a good reason to not like him.

At all.

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