19. Daggers Drawn

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Ivor was ashamed of himself.

He had to be. After all his big promises to Skully and Sharkie that he would get the job done neatly, he was on the verge of failing and ruining everything. It was such an easy jobget the girl to trust you, and then bring her to us that even a five year old would be able to pull it off painlessly.

Then how the hell did he let his emotions control his actions? In his life, both things never mixed. He had done away with them right after his granny died and his family shattered apart.

Until now, they had never affected his job because, yes, it was a given. Having these kind of feelings for Chloe would complicate things along the way, and they have. But he couldn't stop himself. He had thrown caution to the wind, diving head first into a relationship with her, liking very little things about her and finding her puzzling attitude more interesting every day.

He liked the snort in her laughter on occasions when she laughedthe throaty but yet smooth sound of her voice. Her resilience in the face of situations that would have broken most people her age, and her flat-out honesty about her feelings.

Spending so much time watching a person's every move had to have that effect. Causing you to notice things about them that other people wouldn't. Making you realise that beneath all that façade of a cynical and rude demeanor, Chloe was a loving daughter and caring pet owner.

But he had to put an end to this. Remind himself that in the end, this was all a game and get his head back in the game. The Blood's were counting on him and letting them down was not an option.

He released a small grunt when the wooden door of the stall smacked him in the face. It was time to set some factsor rather, personsstraight.

"Well, look who it is," Drew commented, his lips tugging at the sides in a self-satisfied smug. "Wanna tell me what you're doing here?"

Ivor shut the door of the stall behind him. "As a matter of fact, I should be asking you the same question."

Drew's face hardened. "Don't try to fuck with me homey. I'm not your bitch."

Ivor chuckled, enjoying the annoyed as fuck look Drew had. "You were up to the standards of my bitch anyways," he said, chuckling a little more.

Drew raised a hand from his sides and punched him right in the face. He felt the trickle of blood running down his nose and wiped it off with the back of his hand. There was satisfaction in knowing that he had gotten to him.

"Just one minor correction," he said, pinching the top of his nose and taking small breaths. "I'm not your homey since we're not on the same side remember?" He said smugly. He had noticed the axe on a skull tattoo on Drew's wrist. He had a good idea who he was working for and why he was here.

Drew slid him a glance over and up. "It's good to know you're throwing the pretense off the roof." He gagged. "It was starting to make me sick."

"Yeah, me too." Ivor accepted, as he watched Drew stuff a thumb in his pocket. "How about we make a deal?"

"I don't see why not?" Drew agreed, scoffing.

"Glad we're on the same page," he answered with a careless shrug. "Since we both know what we each want and why we're here, although I have to give it to you. I almost believed they hadn't sent you until I heard that call." He enunciated the word they. A radiant smirk on his face.

Drew arched his eyebrows. "You expect me to believe that? Come on, you must have done your homework. Joined the dots and all that shit."

He smiled. He even found it hard to believe himself. He had let his guard down for so long that he had almost ruined the entire game. But now he had a chance to salvage the situation.

Drew placed a hand on the side of his jean, lifting his Tee up a little and giving Ivor a good view of the black pistol lodged there. He stared at Ivor brazenly. Just one motion was all it would take to flip out his gun and bore a hole through Ivor that could lead to the end of him.

Ivor cursed himself. Again, he had forgotten the most basic rules of this gamenever come to battle unarmed. What kind of soldier would go to war on enemy territory and wouldn't even have at least a dagger with him? How would he fight if Drew decided to pop out that gun and aim for him?

"I'll let you off for now," Drew started after some seconds of silence, "But the next time we cross paths in this manner I might not be this lenient. Make sure you're not unprepared then." He turned to walk away but Ivor wouldn't let him have the last word.

He coughed, pinning Drew in a heated stare. "Hold up."

Sure he would be damned if he said he wasn't glad Drew hadn't decided to end him right there and dumped his body under some highway or bridge. He was grateful for that. But he wasn't about to let him know that. That would make him look weak, and that was not the aim here.

They were at daggers drawn. Them and the people they worked for. And in their kind of world, if you wanted to stay on top, you had to have the last laugh.


You had to win and play better than the others at all times because the greater the extents of your victories, the more you receive the type of respect that was worth more than a million stacks of green honeys.

"You're aware this changes the entire game right? I'm sure you don't need me telling you that."

Drew's lips lifted and his eyes twinkled venomously. Ivor was certain he couldn't agree less with him.

"I just want to put it out that if at any time, you try to ruin my plans or rat me out," he paused, letting his words sink in to get his desired effect. "We won't let you see the break of a new dawn." He expected Drew to take the advice seriously. He very well knew what The Blood's were capable of.

And aside from what The Blood's could do to him, Drew was very well aware of what he would do to him if he got in his way. He had made so many sacrifices and was only a few miles away from finishing off this job. He wasn't ready to let anything or anyone get in his way. No matter what it took, he would finish up the job and play the game coldthe best and only way he knew how to.

Author's Note

Hello peeps!

I'm loving this book more and more with each new reveal. Aren't you?

I'm sorry if this chapter is so extremely short though. I swear I just felt tired of scene ideas of this book taking over my thoughts and decided to just write something and give you all something to nibble on. Now that we all know that Ivor... oh, I feel sorry for those people who had liked him now. I'm sorry for making him into one of the bad guys but if it helps you feel better, at least his feelings for Chloe are genuine? We just don't know how long they'll hold up.

I will like to once again, say thank you to all my readers and reviewers. It's because of you that my writing has improved so much. Please stay tuned for more action and excitement, because the game just got colder.

Happy Halloween to everyone who celebrates! <33

Yours Truly,


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