Dear.M Cameo

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NOTE ! we're gonna pretend the drama is already out kay? kay.

Today Jinghua was on set of Dear.M, the web series Jaehyun was acting in for his actor debut. The director of the series contacted her through her manager and requested her presence in the show as a cameo of herself. Of course, the Chinese female agreed, however, the director was not sure how she would include Jinghua in the scene yet but Jinghua told her not to worry and that she'd improvise her cameo for the show. When she arrived on set, one of the staff waiting for her, greeted her and escorted her to her separate dressing room. "This will be your outfit for today's appearance, we hope you like it," the staff said, showing her the flowing floral dress and white heeled shoes to the female who nodded understandingly and smiled, thanking him. "Come to set when you're ready," he bowed before leaving the dressing room.

Jinghua giggled, changing into the prepared outfit. "This is going to be fun," she chuckled as she finished changing, sitting on the makeup chair as she did her own makeup and had a hairstylist do her hair. "Yoonoh will be so surprised to see me," she smiled at the mirror as she played with her phone, texting her mother. When she finished, she got onto set quietly, noticing how everyone was quiet due to recording and she could hear Jaehyun saying his line, seated with the main female lead inside a cafe. The director noticed her and smiled as Jinghua approach the two, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oppa!" she cheered brightly as the two stared at her wide-eyed.

"Ne?" they asked in unison, confused by her appearance, turning to the idol as Jinghua pulled away slowly, acting weirded out by their reactions.

Looking down at the male she was embracing, she points to his face. "You're Yoonoh...aren't you?" she asked, her left arm hanging loosely on his shoulder as her finance shook his head, acting his part. Looking between the two, Jinghua cups his face as she narrows his eyes onto his face. "Ah, you aren't him. Sorry for the misunderstanding," she smiled, bowing before walking away as the two's eyes followed her figure, the director calling out cut with a laugh.

"What are you doing here?" Jaehyun automatically asked when the director called cut, his fiancé approaching him with a giggle leaving her lips, his arms reaching out to bring her into a hug. "I was so shocked to see you," he nuzzled his head into her dress.

"The director asked for my appearance so here I am!" she chimed, bowing as she greeted the other actors and actresses on set.

"Jinghua-ssi, that was amazing improvisation! Let's do some more takes for options," the director called as Jinghua held up an okay sign with a smile, removing herself from Jaehyun's grip and walking back to where she couldn't be seen. Each take was similar and some were different. 'Ah, you look a lot like my fiancé.', 'sorry, but do you mind if I take a photo of you? you look so much like my boyfriend.', 'Yoonon-ah!~' and 'Oppa who's this?...Ah! sorry for the misunderstanding~' was said in those takes, each time Jinghua's words took them by surprise.

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