New Chapter In Our Life

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Jaehyun has thought about this day for years. Since the very beginning of the relationship, he has thought about their future. How their lives would change drastically after starting this particular chapter in their lives. Even though the two were only 21, when they had passed a year into the relationship, the boy knew Jinghua was the one. He remembers the day he asked her members' permission for her hand in marriage all so clearly. The way his palms sweated and he struggled to find the words to describe his love for SEVENTEEN's female member. His 97 liner friends were happy to hear the news and encouraged him to do well whereas the other members gave the boy a small pep talked about what he would be dealing with, aka them after being with Jinghua.

The Chinese female's parents and asking for their blessings was a very emotional time for Jaehyun. Due to the virus outbreaks, he could not do what he originally planned to do, which was to fly them out to Korea to see their daughter and witness the event in person. Regardless, Jinghua's parents tell the male he has had their blessing of marrying Jinghua since they first met.

With the permission set, Jaehyun now only struggled to find the perfect ring for the love of his life. He brought Mayse along to help, that and the fact the girl had been bugging him about marrying Jinghua for years since the two got together romantically. "Oppa! Look at this one~" the 00 liner beamed, pointing at one of the silver rings that sat in its display case with other rings. The tall male walked over to his member and glanced over her shoulder, inspecting the ring before scrunching his face.

"It's nice but not for her," he stated, patting the now brunette's head before walking off to check other display cases. "She likes simple rings," he mumbled to himself, looking through the rings, thinking back to Jinghua's jewellery choices.

"Hi there! Do you need any help?" a worker approached the idol with a smile. "You and that young lady you walked in make a cute couple, are you looking for a ring to buy her?" she asked as Jaehyun glanced at the lady.

"Oh no, she's like a little sister to me," he informed with a laugh as the worker apologised. "It's fine," he waved off before looking at the lady in front of him. "She has a boyfriend anyway, but I am looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend."

"Oh how cute! Follow me, I'll show you our engagement rings~ How long have you and your girlfriend been together?" the lady asked, trying to spark a conversation with him as they made their way to the display case that held plenty of rings.

"It's been four years since we've started dating," he said politely, calling Mayse over to help choose the perfect ring that would suit Jinghua. After careful consideration, he found the perfect ring that would suit the woman he called the love of his life. Now, all that mattered was how he delivered the question.


Jaehyun had planned a dinner date for him and Jinghua. The Chinese female was sitting on her couch, reading a novel when she received a text from her boyfriend, telling her to prepare herself formally for something. This made Jinghua smile. It reminded her of the times Jaehyun would randomly tell the female to get dressed and the couple would go on a spontaneous date without a proper plan. Jinghua got dressed in a wine coloured dress that reached just below her knees, the material slightly hugging her figure however flowed out towards the bottom of the dress. She pairs the dress with black stockings and black knee high heeled boots. Deciding to do the bare minimum on makeup, Jinghua was ready for her spontaneous formal date with Jaehyun.

The female lightly squealed upon seeing his message telling her of his arrival and waiting at her car in the parking lot of Jinghua's apartment complex. The Chinese female grabbed her belongings and closed her door, locking it in the process before she made her way to meet with the NCT member. Upon seeing him, Jinghua giggles and power walks to him, cheering as she saw him. The male before her smiled at her excited childlike behaviour, spreading his arms out as she jumped into his embrace, the two sharing a loving hug before he placed a kiss on her forehead, complimenting her beauty.

"Where are we going?" Jinghua asked as Jaehyun drove out of the parking lot, his right hand resting loosely on her thigh as he drove to their destination. Jaehyun hums in response, telling her she would find out when they arrived at the restaurant. After around an hour or so, the couple found themselves in front of a familiar dinner restaurant they went to for anniversaries and times they would have important news to share and celebrate.

"Reservation for Jaehyun?" the tall male said to the host who smiled and gave the two a short nod, arm welcoming the couple into the restaurant as another worker led them to the back patio.

"Aw it's so pretty!" Jinghua awed at the night sky. Eyes admiring the way the stars twinkled against the dark, almost pitch-black sky. She hears her boyfriend hum in agreement before turning to face him, noticing just how close the male had gotten to her. Jaehyun and Jinghus stood by the railing of the patio, staring into each other's eyes before the NCT member gripped her hands gently, bringing them up to his lips as he gave them both a soft kiss. His thumb begins to caress the back of her hands, a soft smile plastered on his face as he admired the girl in front of him. Jinghua giggles at his actions, wondering what had gotten into him to act so loving today, not that he isn't loving to her any day. "What's gotten into you lately?" she softly muttered before smiling at him. Jaehyun did not reply, one of his hands releasing its grip from her hand to push away a stray hair from her face. Moving his hand back to hold hers, Jaehyun took in the beauty of Jinghua's delicate facial features.

"You're so beautiful," he said out of nowhere before he glanced down at their hands, head tilting up as he took in a sigh and stared directly into her eyes. "I have a lot I want to say and we could be here for a while, so I'll keep it short and simple," he said, confusing the girl by his word choices.

"It has been six years since I first laid my eyes on you. It's been five years since I have befriended you but most importantly," he took in a breath before continuing his words, Jinghua already feeling sentimental to his words. "It's been four years since I was able to call you mine. And throughout those four years, we have been through so much. All those fights, the arguments, the crazy adventures and late-night calls we shared whenever we were on tour," he chuckles at the memory and so does Jinghua. "All those things, we did it together. You have such a large impact in my life and I do not know what or where I would be without you," he said, now caressing Jinghua's hands. By now the female has tears in her eyes, waiting for the appropriate to shed and fall down her cheeks. "You taught me so much about this world and most importantly about myself. You've taught me that I was never alone during difficult times, my significance to this world but the one thing I will forever thank you for teaching me is just how much I could ever love someone," Jaehyun said, now getting emotional by Jinghua's sudden crying. The Chinese female's sniffles were heard throughout the patio as she ran a hand through her hair, resting it to cover her mouth as she stared at her boyfriend.

"Stop, you're joking," she said through tears, sniffling as Jaehyun only smiles at her expression. Pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead as he continued his speech.

"You are my everything. My world. And I can't imagine seeing myself in the future without you being by my side or someone else's. I want to be the person who spends the rest of their life with you. Have kids with you and live in a quiet home with you," Jinghua cries silently at his words, the tears overflowing when Jaehyun slowly got onto one knee, letting go of her hand for a moment to grab out the small velvet box, opening it to show the female the ring that sat in the box. "So with that being said," he looked up at her.

"Yoonoh stop," she told him, letting go of his hand to cover her face in shock. "You're joking," she cupped his face as Jaehyun shook his head, smiling at the Chinese female who covered her face again, sobbing as he finished his speech.

"Will you marry me?" he asked softly as Jinghua automatically answered with a yes, crying as Jaehyun stood back up, hugging the crying girl before putting the ring onto her left ring finger, kissing her temple and forehead as she stared at the ring, calming her irregular breathes as her boyfriend - now fiancé, wiped away her tears, cooing as he comforted her.

"It's so pretty," Jinghua complimented, eyes never leaving the new ring that adorned her finger, sniffling as she and Jaehyun sat at the table, ready for the celebration dinner to celebrate their engagement. "Did you ask my family for permission?" she questioned with a laugh as Jaehyun chuckled.

"Your parents and members," he responds as Jinghua smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I love you."

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