v live: chatty chat chat 😁✨

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hello our crystal!!!!
hi lovely!!!

jinghua giggled as she watches the comment section fly by on her ipad screen. it was late into the night and the only female member of seventeen decided to go on v live and do a voice chat with her fans. "hello carats~ it's really late but i wanted to come and chat with you all," she softly giggles, earning a massive response from the viewers.

"how was my night? it was good. i ate...what did i eat?...oh! i ate, uh...gopchang with my family and in-laws," the mother of two nodded her head despite knowing viewers couldn't see. "recently, my mother-in-law has been staying over more to help me care for my babies," she giggled softly whilst mumbling a thank you to jaehyun's mother.

hating the silence that appeared every moment jinghua talked, the singer pulled out her phone to put on some background music as she talked to her fans about whatever came to her mind. "song recommendation for the night?...let's listen to airplane mode by fromis_9," she hummed, tapping on the song before setting her phone down beside her ipad.

fromis_9 yay!!!!
do you have a bias in the group??
ahhhhh my flover-carat heart is melting 😭😭😭
my fav listening to my other favs T^T

giggling, jinghua sings along to the song as she mentally reads the comments floating by her screen, stopping to hum until she decides to speak again. "is there something i really want for christmas? not at the moment...i think i just want to spend my time with my family since it'll be my first christmas as a mother," the chinese woman sighed, smiling at the mere thought.

"i think it's crazy how much has changed since the start of my career," jinghua giggled once more. "carat-deul, do you have any songs suggestions for me?" she asked, reading the comments as she picked up her phone to change the current song they were listening to. "sabrina carpenter? oh yes, i've been listening to her new album a lot recently," jinghua disclosed with a grin, tapping on the album cover.

"i think my favourite song on the album is nonsense or read your mind. i like the melody of both of them," the woman said as she hummed along to the song. "do i want my kids to be idols too? i don't know. they're still so young...maybe in the future, i'll ask what their dream jobs are," jinghua mumbled softly, resting her chin on her knees.

idol youngjun and idol hyeseong lets goooooo
they'd be great idols like their parents!!!!
hi i just got here what's happening?
hi from france !!

jinghua remained silent for a few moments, singing along to whatever song played in the background before responding to a selective amount of comments. she would let out small giggles every now and then as she answered various questions that carats left her before deciding to end for the night. jinghua wishes everyone a good night before muttering a soft 'i love you' and then ending the voice v live.

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