Iconic Jinghua Moments

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first moment: blonde jinghua
the first time jinghua decided to go full blonde was during don't cry anymore era. when her solo teaser photos came out the photos trended on twitter for a full week with the hashtag, #BlondeJinghua. fans were disappointed when she had dyed her hair dark again to revive her hair's health but were ecstatic to see her blonde hair return for getting closer and why. carats around the world simply believe jinghua is suitable for blonde hair and looked beautiful like a fairy when she had been blonde.

second moment: boom boom era
after always having brunette hair, jinghua decided to dye her hair for the first time and when the teasers came out with the reveal of her new green hair, fans were floored. she went viral globally with the hashtag, #BOOMBOOMJinghua. it didn't help that she shined throughout the entire era with her stage presence. she got a lot of attention thanks to this era.

third moment: girlfriend material jinghua
a key thing about why carats love jinghua is her girlfriend-like social media posts. she is what many deemed to be the full perfect package of a girlfriend. someone supportive, caring to others; animal or human, can cook and more. her instagram feed is another staple part as to why she is so known for this girlfriend material aesthetic she has going on. there are plenty of compilation videos of her being girlfriend material online.

fourth moment: iconic winks
jinghua has gone viral on many occasions for her iconic winks throughout her career as an idol. her most notorious iconic wink came from her comeback performance of why. the fancam for the stage went viral on twitter alongside the hashtag, #JinghuaWHY. additionally, the members of seventeen deemed her as the wink master of the group, always using this fact as a 'special talent' of hers for variety shows.

fifth moment: oh my! era
when the teasers for oh my! released, jinghua went viral on all social media for the new hair colour that she sported for the new era. her blonde-pink ombré hair suited her so well and made her appear like a fairy that she earned the nickname: 'jing-fairy' for some time. this was one of her best eras in the opinion of jinghua biased carats.

sixth moment: dating announcement
the world was floored when the dating news of jinghua and jaehyun was published because no one, and i mean no one was aware that they were together. fans of both artists were so shocked to find out about the relationship and went back to look for hints in previous videos. it was an iconic moment that nctzens, carats and other fandoms talk about to this day.

seventh moment: happy era
tied into the announcement of her relationship, when jinghua released a full album dedicated to her husband, many fans were ecstatic to see how happy she was. when the album was released, it went viral with the hashtag, #Jinghua_valentine's. additionally, carats simply adored how jinghua looked throughout this era and how happy she seemed now that she was able to openly talk about her relationship with jaehyun.

eighth moment: parental jinghua
known within the fandom for her mother-like personality, jinghua went viral on a few occasions for her parenting of her son, youngjun. fans simply adored how soft-spoken she was whenever talking to her son and how she taught him about mannerisms, respecting others and consent at such a young age. when jinghua announced she would be taking a break from the limelight to take care of her and jaehyun's children, fans were sad because she wouldn't be performing for a while but respected her wishes.

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