Chapter 40

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Try and stay calm. My throat felt tight. I could hardly breathe.

I kept my eyes from opening. I didn't want to see what was happening around me. I tried to imagine the scene, though.

My hands were bleeding, I could feel the warm blood pouring out on the sharp pieces of glass that tore them apart.

I was face down on something cold, probably cement.

The car alarm was blaring. What had happened? I couldn't remember? How did I get here?

Where was 'here'?

"Leave her." I heard a husky voice through all of the commotion.

Was he talking about me?

The person must have been really close for me to hear it over the alarms going off.

Alarms? Two cars?

Who was driving?

I tried to take a deep breath feeling the cold night air hit my lungs. My throat was dry causing me to cough. Suddenly one of the alarms stopped. It was just one car now.

I need to stand up. Get up, I told myself but I stayed down.

"Madison?" Another Male voice called.

"Who was that? Who were they talking to?"

Loud bangs took over my thoughts and I clenched my body.

Gun shots. Those were gun shots.

"Madison." The same voice coughed.

I began to open my eyes.

Madison? Was that me?

My head was ringing.

I couldn't see much of anything. It was quite dark. I quickly found where the car alarm was coming from. I turned my head to the right as I began to also sit up a little.

I moaned at the pain my hands were in. They were flat against the ground but wanting to squeeze into fits, I just had nothing to grip. What was I holding before?

The car that was going off was upside down. The back doors were completely torn off and on the ground next to me. The windows shattered. That's where the glass came from.

"Madison!" The voice shouted louder.

I stood up all the way.

A faint light was drawing my eyes to the left. Red head a car that wasn't upside down. It was running. I couldn't see who was inside, too dark.

I tried to take a step towards it. My abs felt like jello and I could hardly hold myself up. I stumbled half way to the ground feeling a sharp pain in my ankle.

The car pulled away and began to pick up speed. I was alone. Or so I thought.

"Madison..." I heard the coughing males voice again, this time a little bit quieter.

I looked back to the car that was upside down. It was coming from there. I had to get there.

I hopped on the ankle that wasn't in distress and dragged the other one along. I held my hands to my shirt trying to apply pressure to my stomach to keep it tight so I could walk. It also helped stop my palms from bleeding too much.

I reached the car and looked inside. The car was still on, the dash board lit up the area a little bit.

A man was laying upside down in the drivers seat. I bent over to see if he was alive.

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