Chapter 8

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Emily's POV

The conversation with Helen and Mark went as expected. Not great. I finally convinced them that "Sean" was a responsible young man who is a safe driver and that we've been friends for a while. I told them that they've never heard me mention him because I knew they'd think that having friends was dangerous. I made up a couple other people to call my friends so they'd feel bad for never meeting any of my friends. When in reality I have 0.

As of right now the FBI are refusing to send out another driver. Not until they figure out what happened to Tom. Just my luck.

The said they would drive me but after an hour long discussion they finally gave up. After all they're getting paid to be my protection - even if something does happen to me their check will still clear.

"You think you can make these decisions for yourself?!" Helen yelled at me.

"I'm almost 18. So yeah, I think I can!" I screamed back.

Mark sighed. "Just think of all the things that could happen." He was trying to scare me.

"I want a life! Not to sit here and rot away. I know that they haven't caught my kidnappers but what if they never do?! I want a life, I'm going to have a life. You're not my real parents, you can't tell me what to do." I let my frustrations out.

"Like Hell we can't!" Helen was still being aggressive.

The worst part is I wish they tried harder. I wish they gave me no option. I don't want to be anywhere near Cole.

"She's right, dear." Mark touched her shoulder and she brushed him off.

He looked right into eyes.

"You can do whatever the hell you want, Madison. We're here to protect you but we don't want to confine you. If we smother you or deny you access to as normal of a teen life that you can have it'll be like you're an abductee all over again. We're not trying to do that." He said oh so reasonably. God damn him.

The next morning came and outside my door bright and early was Cole.

I walked to his car. It was black, tinted windows, and small. It looked like it could drive fast.

Chills came over me as I touched the handle to get in.

"Good morning." He said as I sat down and closed my door.

I didn't say anything.

He wasn't driving. I looked confused at him.

"I'm not going until you greet me." He laughed.

"Morning." I managed to slip out.

He smiled and nodded his head. The car began to drive.

"I got to hand it too you. I really didn't think they'd let me drive you."

I kept my eyes to outside my window. "Me either."

His hands gripped the wheel on 10 and 2. He really was a safe driver. My mind couldn't help but take a trip back to the woods when we were trying to get away from Zac. This drive was much slower. Much more quiet. Much more tension believe it or not.

Cole thankfully stayed silent the rest of the ride. He sensed my nerves.

Cole's POV

Emily was sitting right next to me only a foot away. I'm sure she was thinking of the last car ride we had together. There was much less stress now. For me, anyway. I'm sure she was running through all of the reasons she should jump out of this car right now.

I wanted to ask her so many questions. Like, what happened after she was rescued. Would she have kept her word to let me go? Does she still have nightmares? Why did I see my scarf in her bedroom. Is it really mine?

All of my questions would remain un answered until she trusted me more. I had her trust even if it was just a little bit of it. I knew I was here for the right reasons. For both of us. She needed to be safe for me to have peace of mind, and she deserved it. She truly does.

Do I really deserve peace of mind? My imagination told me yes. Emily told me yes in the vivid memories that never actually happened. I think I'd be better off dead and gone. Something about sitting in this car driving Emily to school calmed me. She calmed me.

Even with no words exchanged, no looks given, no big sighs, or noises to fill the emptiness of it wasn't awkward, bad, or scary because she was here. I could keep her all to myself if I wanted. She was mine whether she realized it or not. 

One day she would. Maybe it'll be after I've left her life for good. Or maybe it'll be while I'm still here. She'll figure out that I was the only one willing to risk my life and chance at a life to help her live hers. She'll realized that me keeping her close, watching out for her, and making decisions for her is making her mine. Even after I'm gone and living my normal life and her living hers.

"I'll be out at 3." She finally made eye contact with me as we arrived at the school. It was fast and not for very long.

"I know. I'll be here." I nodded to her.

I watched her walk in the school. Tomorrow I'd be there with her and every Monday , Wednesday, and Friday after that. On these days I'd have to figure out a way to know where she was.

I was already two steps ahead of myself. On the phone I left her is a tracking app. It's hidden so she'll have no idea. One click of a button from my end and I can know where she is.

If she leaves the school I'll know about it.

It was true that I needed to her trust me but I too needed to trust her. I don't...but I will.


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