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Hello! I waited a while to make sure I could get as many peoples opinions as possible and I've heard you! A third book is here!

If you go to my works it's titled "OURS"

It is about how Cole and Emily survive on the road together whilst running from Zac and trying to find happiness. Do they find it together or alone? Do they find it at all?

I completely understand if you want to end your journey with these two in YOURS. Feel free to just imagine how they would have ended up together happy. I also read a few ideas to give them a sad ending and let me just say...I'm open to it.

Hope to see you in OURS the first chapter is out NOW! Thank you for much for the support on MINE and YOURS. <3

p.s Let me know if the cover for OURS is too much the same compared to YOURS I guess I really like roads lol. ALSO the title of the third book was supposed to be "US" but someonecool8483 suggested "OURS" and I liked it a lot better! Thank you!

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