Chapter 11

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"It's not what you think." I tried to explain to him.

Cole raised an eyebrow and huffed. "Are you sure?" A familiar smirk appeared on his face.

I stood up and made sure I could make a run for the door if I needed to get out quick.

"uhm.." I failed at making up an excuse.

He played with it running the fabric through his fingers while we maintained eye contact.

"It's what I was wearing when they brought me here.  I just haven't let go of it yet." I looked to the floor.

"Why not?" Cole seemed amused.

I was feeling a heat build up through my feet and settling in my belly. It was anger.

"Because it means something to me! Is that what you want to fucking hear, Cole?!" I tried to stop my voice from booming, it didn't work well.

He set the scarf down and sat on my bed.

"Why does it mean something to you?" He poked me with his questions. Always with his fucking questions.

"It's what you were wearing. I thought you died. I saw blood. I heard the gun shot-" Cole cut me off.

"What do you mean you thought I was dead? Heard what gun shot?" Cole stood back up and walked closer to me causing me to back up and almost trip over my own feet.

I took a deep breath in. "I came back for you. I obviously changed my mind. When we were out there in those woods together...I felt bad for you. I wanted to at least leave there and not feel guilty for leaving another messed up soul with Zac. I saw the gun pointed at you."

Cole's hand went to his head. He started rubbing it.

"You feel bad for me?" He almost sounded offended.

"Yeah. I kept the scarf as a reminder that I tried, not because I like you or you being here. Don't get that confused." I stood up for myself.

There was awkward silence for a very slow minute before my phone buzzed with a text.

I watched Cole's head follow me as I picked it up to check it.

He seemed overly interested in my privacy.

"Jealous that I have someone other than you to talk to?" I half joked.

"Who is it?" Was he serious?

I didn't respond. That made it worse. He stopped having a pity party for himself and ripped the phone from my hands.

"What the fu-" I turned to grab my phone back ramming into Cole's chest. He didn't even budge. He was solid. His body was still built the same from the first day I saw him. He still gave off the alpha male vibe.

Cole laughed and tossed my phone on my bed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You could've just told me it was your mom."

"Helen isn't my mom." I corrected.

I grabbed my phone checking to see if Cole had replied on my behalf, he didn't.

"So what are we eating?"

I didn't understand. "What?"

"Helen said her and Mark aren't making it home for dinner." He puffed up his bottom lip as if to imply that he was sad.

"I'll probably go pick up something." I tried to end the convo. I was not having dinner with Cole.

"With what driver?" He reminded me.


I entertained the idea just for a second. Having dinner with Cole? Would it be a big deal? I already had lunch with him. Whats another meal?

"You don't really have a choice." His ex-kidnapper voice made an appearance.

I felt strange. I was having a flash back to the time I spent at the disturbing cabin in the woods. The first meal I had there was with the other girls in the house. Including my best friend, Sara. She died in that house. The memory was short in real time but felt like it was on replay regardless of only having a blank face for a second.

"Fine. Fast food, then. Is In-n-out okay?" I was already half way out of my bedroom.

"What's that?" He asked. I stopped walking.

Giggling for only a second before turning back to him I saw the genuine concern on his face for my reaction.

"What?" I asked.

"I've never been." He told me.

"How?" I tilted my head. I was being ignorant.

Of course he's never had in-n-out. He's lived his entire life in the forest. What a shame. Maybe getting a burger with Cole would actually be fun. The thought tasted like puke I was trying to shove back down my throat.


Before I knew it we were at the popular food joint and I ordered for him. I took the food to go and brought it back to his car.

Cole parked in the back of the parking lot and laughed at the size of the sandwich.

"Can you handle it?" I mocked.

He took a few bites trying to hide the fact that this is best food he's ever eaten. I laughed at him. I couldn't stop.


Emily handed me the worlds fullest burger. I've had burgers before. Nothing like this. I isolated myself to those woods and lived off of everything that came my way. In-n-out was not hiding anywhere in the forest.

She began laughing. She had to cover to mouth to avoid food falling out. What was so funny?

"What?" I tried to ask but she just laughed harder.

Her smile was contagious. She held eye contact with me. I laughed too even though I had no idea what was so funny.

She caught her breath.

"I'm eating a burger in the back of a parking lot with the person who had a big hand in ruining my fucking life. Like this is normal? You're the reason I don't have a family, or my best friend." Emily said, completely calm.

"You're a high functioning psychopath."

I stopped laughing too.

"I'm eating a burger in the back of a parking lot with the person who had a big hand in saving my life. This isn't normal. I don't have a family, or a best friend. I have you though. You're kind of a like a friend." I repeated her words to fit my thoughts.

She looked to be intensely thinking.

"" The words came out of Emily's mouth slowly.

My mind scrambled for the right thing to say.

I pretend I'm standing on the edge and have control of whether or not I fall. The truth is I don't. It just a matter of time before I fall, or get pushed. Whatever comes first. The power is in making myself believe I have control over my fate.

I couldn't tell her that though.

"I pray." I answered sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes.

"How do you function?" I returned the question.

She's been though a lot. Before and after I came into her life.

"I pray." She mocked while putting her hands into prayer hands and closing her eyes.

We shared a chuckle before biting back into our food.

This was as normal as a moment could get for us, wasn't it?

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