ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟸𝟾

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Hisoka's POV

   The haggard man stopped what he was doing and glared at me. "Who are you supposed to be? A hero?" He asked. I smiled. "Hmm~, maybe? ♠" I teased. The man threw a blade at me, which I caught mid-air. "Oh no~, I'm not your enemy... you're not a worthy toy~, ♠" I remarked. I threw the blade back towards him. I then turn my head and looked at the dying person. "Hmm, you did such a sloppy job, there's blood everywhere. ♠" The haggard man rolled his eyes.

   Suddenly, purple smoke appeared out of nowhere. I gripped onto my cards just in case. A purple mist-like person in a suit showed up out of the smoky mess. "Hello, I'm Kurogiri from the League of Villains. I'm here to recruit you, Stain... and who is this..?" The man spoke up. I smirk and hold a card up to my face, slightly covering my grin. "I'm a magician~ ♠" I answer. The haggard man shrugged his shoulders. "Hmm, come with me." The mist man commanded. Seeing as I had nothing better to do, I followed the man into the purple smoke, along with the haggard man.

   The three of us arrived at a bar. On top of a stool was a blue-haired, shaggy man. "Kurogiri, who is this?" The blue-haired male said while pointing at me. The mist man shrugged. "He was with Stain, he doesn't seem like an enemy, maybe we can recruit him?" The mist man said. I snicker. Everyone's attention was on me now. "Sorry, but I work for people who are equal to or stronger than me. You guys don't impress me~ ♠" I smile widely. I could tell I agitated the blue-haired male.

   "You could be bluffing right now. You don't have a dangerous presence at all. Tch, Kurogiri, get him out of my sight." The blue-haired male said. The purple smoke surrounded me, and I was back at the alley. Hm~, them underestimating me kind of made me annoyed... guess the biggest 'fuck you' I can do is wait for them to find out my strength... after I become a mass murderer.

   But for now, I'm going back to my hotel room.

Killua's POV


   "Big brother... calm down, it's just choco-" "CHOCOLATE IS MY LIFE, MY LOVE, MY EVERYTHING!! I WOULD MARRY A CHOCOLATE STATUE!" I screech. "GET OUT OF THE CANDY STORE, NOW!" The angry woman yelled, kicking us both out.

   I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my arms. "Dramatic much?" I remarked. Yuki face-palmed. "Big brother, you're a fool." Yuki deadpanned. Hmph, he just doesn't understand the chocolate ways yet. Anyways, we both woke up a bit earlier and had some time to kill, so we both went to the candy store. Obviously, we got kicked out, so I guess we're heading to our schools now.

   Because I arrived at school a bit earlier than usual, I played around with the giant hounds, catching the eyes of some of the pros and a few other early students. "Hey, kid, stop playing with them, they're dangerou-" A snarl from one of the hounds shushes the hero. I rolled my eyes and continued playing around. I cut down a tree and threw it. "Fetch!" I shouted. All the hounds started chasing the tree I threw. A couple of seconds later, they come back with the tree.

   I continued playing with the hounds until it was time for me to go to class. When I entered the class, I sat down and waited for class time to come. Some of my classmates were looking at me, either because I won the sports festival, was playing with the giant hounds which were known for being hostile, or both. Finally, class started and our infamous sleepy teach came through the door.

   "Alright class, today we'll be picking out hero names. But this time, Midnight will be hosting this while I take a nap." The teacher said. Midnight then entered the door. She was excited to see what names we all came up with. We all got handed these white-boards to write down our ideal hero names onto. I watched as I saw students quickly write down different names and go up to present different names, some of them were kind of dumb and cliche, some were just their names, there was a lot of interesting choices. Others are having a really hard time deciding on names to write down. I then looked down at my own white-board and pondered.

   Hm... what hero name should I take on? I don't really care...

   Then it hit me. I'm a genius! I quickly wrote down my amazing hero name and went to the front of the class to present my glorious name. "KittenZapper..?" Midnight read out loud. I grin eagerly, waiting for the guaranteed verification of my hero name. "Absolutely not! Take this seriously, Zoldyck!" I groan and rolled my eyes. I then went back to my seat, but something caught my attention.

   The teacher who was napping now was fully awake and walked up to Midnight with some papers. He was whispering to her, and I was the only one who heard it. I mean, the earphone jack girl could hear too, but I think she was busy deciding her hero name.

   "We're getting a new teacher, just hired for the job yesterday, his shift starts after the kids' interns." The messy teacher said to Midnight. "Oh my! He's very attractive~ ♥" Midnight remarked. Bleh.

   I stopped paying attention to their conversation and focused back onto my board. I don't know what I should put down, I'm a stranger in this period that had to start over. Start over... hold on-

   I quickly wrote something down and went back up to present my choice. "No. 99" I calmly stated. Midnight raised her eyebrow. "Is there something special about the number 99?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm starting over." Just like back at the Hunter's Exam, I'm starting a new life where I'm not an Assassin or a Hunter.

I'm the hero, No. 99.

《𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 𝙫2》𝙃𝙓𝙃 & 𝙈𝙃𝘼 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now