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Killua's POV

   Stop, stop, stop! My legs won't follow my commands?! Dammit! Why do I always have to be the puppet?!? I was getting closer and closer to the out of bounds area! Shit! It's not about the chocolates at this moment, it's about me breaking free from this guy's mind control!

   I mentally paced around, thinking of a way to break free. Physically I was sweating, I didn't want to be another puppet. Illumi's needle was enough, why, why am I the only one that doesn't get to be a person?!? My stress was showing, while my face was angled down, you can clearly see tears stream down my face.

   I should just give up. I'll never be a real person, I'll only just be a porcelain doll for anyone to control if they have the opportunity. Sure, I could have an identity that's Killua, but dolls also are given names. Why should I be any different from a puppet?

   "Big brother!! You're such an idiot! Just beat the guy already, aren't you the strongest big brother I could ever ask for?!?"

   My mind snapped. Slowly, I raise my arm by myself, my walking slowed down too, but I was still getting closer to out of bounds. The crowd started going crazy, but I blocked out their cheers. My head started twitching as if to break free even more. With my raised arm, I sharpened my nails and slowly brung them closer to my flesh.

   I'll cut the puppet strings every time then. Those were my last thoughts before I sliced my cheek and the skin on my upper arm. I got full control of my body again.

   I turned back to my opponent. He's just an extremely weaker version of my brother. I made eye contact with him. My eyes were cold and dead. I'll knock him out, we can't kill anyone here like in the hunter's exam. I bent my knees and angled myself. I then launched my body towards Shinso, and with a quick chop, it was all over. I got off the unconscious male and checked my wounds.

   My cheek was cut, but not too deep. My upper arm on the other hand... it'll probably join the many permanent scars I still have from my days in the Zoldyck Estate. It was bleeding like crazy, and I felt light-headed. I unzipped my track-suit uniform thing and tore off the sleeve from my clean arm. I tightly wrapped it around the bleeding area.

   They announced me the winner of the match and I excused myself to go to the nurse's office. When going into the nurse's office, I noticed the unconscious Shinso. I took a moment to observe how long he'd be out for, and it seems like for two hours or so. I went to recovery girl and she kissed my arm. Gross.

   "Thanks, hag," I remarked casually. She grew a tick mark but didn't do anything to me except scolding me about respecting my elders which I tuned out to. Because I was feeling a bit tired beforehand, my wound isn't completely healed. I had to have a bandage over it and change it in the next two or three days.

   In the meantime between now and my next match, I was instructed to nap to get rid of any fatigue that might be growing. I nodded and collapsed onto the nearest bed. I was in the bed beside Shinso, so when he wakes up he might be confused.

   I put my arms behind my head to act as a cushion, careful to not interact with the injured area too much. I put the blanket up to my chest and let myself dive into unconsciousness. 


   I slowly wake up, feeling groggy but also refreshed at the same time. I slowly lift myself up from the bed I was in and started rubbing my eyes. I opened my eyes and turned to my side and saw Shinso also start to wake up beside me. I guess it's been around two hours. I look down at myself and sighed. My clothes were ripped and dirty, plus I'm missing a sleeve.

   I got up and asked recovery girl for a change of clothes, which she gave. I went into the bathroom without even thanking her, I just naturally don't get along with women, or anyone female pretty much. The belt that I was wearing before was, unsurprisingly, unscathed, so I took it and put it on along with the new change of clothes. I let the jacket hang off my shoulders and adjusted the strap recovery girl gave me to support my arm. 

   I stepped out of the bathroom and excused myself to go watch the battles in my reserved seat next to Yuki. While I was walking down the hall, I heard someone call out, "Hey, Zoldcyk!" I turned around and saw Shinso heading towards me. I raised my eyebrow, unsure of what his intentions were. I could tell he wasn't going to use his quirk, there's no need.

   "About before, I really did mean it. Your eyeliner's great." He complimented. My face flushed once again, dammit I should be more immune to compliments! I relaxed my body but I was still on guard. I looked at him and smiled. "Thanks. Oh, and call me Killua please." Shinso's eyes widened for a second, but he nodded.

   We both walked out of the hall and separated to go to our seats to watch the current fight. I used Zetsu to sneaked up on Yuki and touched his shoulder. He shrieked like a girl and even started tearing up a little. "You're so mean, big brother!" He screeched. I snickered, but I didn't deny his statement, I mean, how much more sadistic can one get?

   We were getting a couple of looks since I did steal the show on many occasions and I just popped out of nowhere. I smiled and sat down next to Claire and Yuki. Their eyes trailed from my face to my arm. They both frowned when they looked at my arm.

   "How long will it take to heal?" Claire asked. I shrugged and said, "It's most likely a permanent scar. The bleeding stopped but the cut is still there, my guess is maybe 2-3 days until it completely heals." Claire frowned, not liking how casual I was making this seem. Yuki then furrowed his eyebrows. "Idiot! I don't know what went on down there but don't give yourself permanent scars, that's stupid!" He scolded. I sunk my head down low and sulked while he pointed at me and kept calling me names angrily. In the end, I'm just a pushover big brother.

   I tried turning my attention onto something else and looked at the current fight. It was Uraraka vs Basic Blonde. Yuki stopped and thought about something. "Hey, big brother, your hand..." He paused. I got the idea and sharpened my hand to display for him. He looked at it and got curious and started asking questions. What I didn't expect was for him to reach out and try to touch my sharpened hand.

   I panicked and manipulated my hand and then started scolding him. "Idiot! Don't touch my hand when it's like that! It's sharper than-" "Squishy..." He whispered while squeezing his tiny hands on my.. hold on-

Did I just unconsciously manipulate my hand to be extremely squishy?

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