ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟼

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Killua's POV

   "...Wait... I have to go to a second-grade class to teach heroism..." I whispered to Yuki. Our eyes widen. He then started pouting. "Aw, man! I thought we were going to have a cool hero come, turns out it's just my lazy, chocolate addictive, ugly fashioned, and overprotective big brother." He insulted. I think I was ready to die. I clutched my chest and acted like I was in pain, fake tears were even spilling.

   "How cruel..." I say. Yuki rolled his eyes and muttered something about me being dramatic. We were pretty silent for the rest of the train ride.


   Every step felt like hours as I walked closer towards Yuki's class. Yuki wanted to walk in earlier than me to 'save the embarrassment' so cruel! I internally sobbed when I finally reached the door. I was told to wait until the teacher told me to come in.

   I was counting up each second mentally. 193...194...195- "Come in!" I finally hear. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried my best to put on a poker face. I opened the door and walked in, trying my best not to have cold sweat trickle down my face as I felt the judging eyes of the wildest and dangerous species on earth. Baby monkeys, they're all just baby monkeys.

   "He's such an eboy oh my god." A familiar voice said. I mentally sobbed as Yuki embarrassed me with his insults that hurt more than anything, is this how Gon felt when I kept insulting him and his tastes?

   I noticed his friends giggling. Hold on, now that I look closely...

   Aren't they from the skatepark? Huh, what a coincidence. I shrug it off and was told to give my introduction. I took a deep breath and started talking.

   "Sup. I'm Killua Zoldyck. I'm here to teach you guys about heroism and life lessons." I say casually. I saw how the teacher sweatdropped at my half-assed introduction. I looked over and saw some of the kids looking over at Yuki. I smirk, he's probably embarrassed that they found out I was his brother, though I could see some of them still looking at me. Probably saw me pick up Yuki.

   I pretty much transformed into a cat mentally when I heard him mutter something about me being a 'stupid big brother' and 'an albino rat'. "Any questions, kids?" The teacher suddenly asked. I watch as the kids whispered questions to each other and murmured things. About five hands were raised. I pointed at a kid in front of me.

   "Are you really Yuki's big brother? What's he like at home?" "Yes, I am. He's a brat in the morning." Chuckles were heard and I dodged an eraser being thrown at me by a certain snow-haired boy. I pointed to a kid in the back corner. "What was hero school like?" I mentally screamed at the past tense, I'm still 16!!

   "It's like school, but it has extra classes where you can use you use your quirks for different situations. Also, I'm 16, I don't look old, do I?" The majority of the class shook their head, a small minority (including that twerp Yuki) nodded in yes. I hope they're joking.

   I pointed to the Yuki. "Why are you such a loser, big brother?" He deadpanned. I swore I coughed up blood. I cut the teacher off from trying to apologize, there really wasn't any need since he was my little brother. "What do you mean? Am I not your cool big brother?" I asked with begging eyes.

   Yuki shook his head. He then started listing how I'm such a loser, the teacher tried to stop him, his friends were laughing, and the rest of the kids lost some respect for me when he listed some childish things like my chocolate addiction and how my cat face annoyed him. "A-Alright I get it! You can stop now... stupid albino monkey..." I whispered the last part to myself.

   I dried my forming tears and pointed to the pigtailed girl from the skatepark. "How strong are you? Your skateboard was super heavy!" She asked/shouted. Yuki interrupted. "Actually, how heavy is our front door?" He asked. I still wanted to keep my strength a secret, so I answer simply.

   "I'm strong. The door is just heavy." I say. The kids were disappointed with my answer. Then I pointed to the last kid, and they answered the question that everyone was secretly hoping to get an answer out of.

   "What's your quirk?" "I'm quirkless, strong enough without one," I answered confidently. The kids then looked at the teacher, who was just as shocked. "Are you sure you didn't just hire some homeless man on the street?" One asked. A tick mark appeared on my pale face. I don't look unruly at all!

   The teacher shook her head. A kid then stood up. "How is he a hero?! You can't boss us around, faker!" He shouted. I looked at the teacher who started telling the kids to behave. Yuki then laughed, really loudly.

   "Pff- even if my big brother is lame, he's not weak. He's definitely strong enough to be a hero, I mean, he's being taught by All Might!" He said. Nice cover, thanks Yuki.

   The kids considered Yuki's words and they settled down. The kid from earlier huffed and went away to his group of friends who were still skeptical. "Alright, time for the lesson on heroism," I say, a bored tone in my voice. The class paid attention to every word.


   Finally, the lesson was over. I was having lunch with Yuki and his friends, we were talking about skateboarding. Then, a group of kids approached us. "Hey, we don't believe you're getting taught by All Might. You could have lied to Yuki, you probably lied to him, making him think quirkless people could be something!" I rolled my eyes at his remark. I could easily beat them all in a fight.

   Then, I had sensed something. "Everyone, duck!" I shout. Everyone was caught off guard, and some couldn't duck in time for a softball to come crashing through the window. I caught the softball before it could hit anyone, but I couldn't use ten cause it'd be suspicious. I let the glass pieces cut me, though it didn't hurt much. I shielded the kids and teacher from any shards of sharp glass.

   "Is everyone alright?" I ask concerningly. Yuki ran up to me and tried to pick out the glass shards before I grabbed his hands and told him it didn't hurt at all. "Don't worry about me, Yuki. Go make sure your classmates are ok, I'll take these out myself." I say. He nodded and went off. I picked off every piece of glass that was lodged in me. I then felt a tap on my shoulder.

   "Hey... we're sorry, Mister Hero. Thank you for protecting us." The group of kids that approached me earlier apologized sheepishly. I chuckled and said, "You owe me chocolate, brats." With a cat-like smirk on my face. They rolled their eyes, but they still appreciated what I did.

   The teacher told me to go to the nurse's office to patch up my wounds. I nodded and just when I was about to leave, I took one more look at the softball. Hold on...

Why is there orange nen surrounding the softball?

《𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 𝙫2》𝙃𝙓𝙃 & 𝙈𝙃𝘼 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now