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Gon's POV

   I was looking at the T.V. screen, paying attention to every detail. It showed a picture of someone on top of a villain, but sadly

   It was blurred.

   "Aw, I really wanted to see who it was!" I pouted. "Hey, Gon! I'm hungry, can we go downstairs and eat?" Alluka asked. I was about to refuse, but my stomach growled. I got flustered and she giggled. I reluctantly nodded and we both went downstairs and into the dorm's kitchen area.

   "Hey, Gon, please no instant foods. My brother will kill you when he finds out you've been 'poisoning' me." I froze. I actually never learned to properly cook... "Hey... why don't we go to a restaurant instead?" I asked. Alluka sighed, and Nanika even came out and got mad at me for being so lazy. But in the end, we all agreed to save our stomachs from my wrath.

   We went to a nearby sushi place. I still didn't completely know what sushi was, I knew Hanzo thought it was good! We got served a plate full of sushi, and we started eating. The taste was odd, but it wasn't gross, pretty good actually! I'm glad the school gave us money to use.


   "Hey... how do you know the forgotten hunter language?" The principal asked. I froze. Did they use a different writing system? I thought those lines on the paper were just decoration, and I just filled them out with assumptions of what the boxes meant! Wait- forgotten? 

   "What do you mean forgotten? It's used by all the people I know!" I shouted in confusion. The cat principal raised an eyebrow. "Kid, where are you from?" I sweatdropped. I wasn't good at coming up with excuses. Thank god Alluka spoke up.

   "We came from a very small island, it didn't advance much compared to this place, so we still kept writing in the hunter language, they lost track of time there so we don't know the date, and the currency system might be different from yours here." Alluka you're a godsend. You're definitely Killua's sister.

   The principal accepted that answer, and even gave us this place's currency! How kind. He told us he'd write down our applications instead. We agreed and started answering.

   Once we were finished, I smiled and thanked him for his time. We then went off to take the quirk test thing.

   When we were in the area for testing, we had to tell our quirks. I got stumped on that one, but I remembered that it was just abilities in this world. "Jajanken," I answered. The person recording our answers stopped. Probably cause the name of my 'quirk' is literally rock, paper, scissors. He snapped out of his trance and asked Alluka.

   "I have another person inside me, her name is Nanika." She vaguely answered. The person looked back at her. "Does Nanika do something, or...?" Alluka nodded but refused to answer after that.

   We were both assigned to different things. Alluka was supposed to demonstrate Nanika to someone, and I was given three rocks to show off Jajanken. We were also both given softballs. Alluka signaled for me to hold back, so I can't utterly destroy the place.

   Needless to say, I still destroyed all the rocks. I smashed the first rock with 'rock', I sliced the second with 'scissors', and I slammed the third rock into the wall with 'paper'. My results were pretty good, I then turned to Alluka and Nanika's side.

   Alluka asked for the person's name, which was given. Alluka asked for three things. The person with her was confused but still did the commands. I heard a scream, Nanika probably came out.

   "What's your wish?" Nanika spoke. The person now calmed down and was thinking about something to wish for. I hope it's not something that will cause trouble for the next wish maker. The person then spoke up.

   "I have a permanent scar on my back, can you please heal it?" They pleaded. Oh, thank god. "Kay," Nanika said. Nanika reached out for the person's hand and then started healing the scar on the person's back. The person checked their back with a mirror and was amazed. "Thank you so much!" They thanked. They were very happy about what Nanika did. When Alluka returned, she was feeling very drowsy and fell asleep. I went to her side and carried her on my back, Killua would kill me if I left his precious sister on the cold dirty floor.

   "Do you know about her quirk's limitations? And what are your limitations?" The person recording our results asked. I looked back at them and answered as vaguely as possible, "I have limitations involving stamina, and you can pretty much wish for anything with her quirk, but there are rules." They took the answer.

   Seeing as how they couldn't test Alluka for the softball throw, they only tested me instead. I was handed a softball and got in my stance. 

(I don't know the full English translation for what he says so correct me if I'm wrong)

   "Show me rock," I placed my arms with the softball inside behind me "rock, paper," my nen started forming an orange ball surrounding the softball. It wasn't as strong as before, and I was holding back, so it wasn't huge.

   "ROCK!" I shout and threw the softball. A huge gust of wind trailed the ball and blew some of the equipment away. The people recording my score closed their eyes as the wind started blowing in them. The softball did not slow down, even when it crashed through the ceiling, it still soared. We waiting around two minutes when we heard a ding. I looked back at the people recording my score, they were in shock.

   "3,592.7 meters..." One finally said. I cheered, I was happy to know I could throw 3 km while holding back. Alluka was woken up by my cheering and got mad at me.

Flashback over

   We finished up our sushi and paid. "Hey, Alluka, what do you think will happen when we go to 'school'?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

   We then heard talking from outside the wooden doors of the sushi place. "Big brother! I wanna go skateboarding!" We heard. I smile, remembering when Killua taught him how to skateboard. We then opened the door.

Silver hair was the focus of our vision.

《𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 𝙫2》𝙃𝙓𝙃 & 𝙈𝙃𝘼 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz