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Yuki's POV

My eyes widened in surprise. Woah! She just observed me do it once, and she did it first try! Sure, she didn't do it as smoothly as I did, but she still did it! I smile and clap my hands. Her opponent was a girl with black hair and a sweater. She wasn't really stable with a skateboard and she fell off around 30 seconds in.

"One point to Yuki's team! The score is 2:2." Big brother yelled. Finally, it was my turn to go. My opponent was the leader of the junior high kids. The leader started first.

"Get ready to lose, scrub!" The leader says. I stuck my tongue out, "Idiot! You're gonna be kissin' the concrete!" I get angry looks from the goons. The leader went up first, he rode on the skateboard smoothy, but I guessed he couldn't do many flips since he avoided them.

He then went down a ramp and landed a bigflip. It was a smooth flip, so I guess I was wrong about him. He then attempted to do another bigflip, less smooth but still landed. He did pretty well, but I knew I had more tricks.

My turn was here, and I started at the top of the bank (ramp) and went down. I went down into the bowl and went out smoothly. So far, every move I did was smooth, time for a couple of flips. I went towards a sloped rail and before I went on, I did a heelflip.

Instead of landing smoothly, my landing was a little wobbly. Huh? Why did my landing suddenly go from smooth to wobbly...? I shrug it off and went on the rail, my skateboard still not feeling right.

I attempted to do an alpha flip down, but my skateboard stopped. I fell down on my knees. My face hit the concrete, but it was fine. I had a couple of scratches on my leg and face, but that's it. "Ha! Look who's kissing the concrete now!" The leader says. The goons were laughing at me!

I realized what was wrong with my skateboard. The leader was manipulating it! What a dirty cheater! I look at my big brother, and he smirked at me. I sigh, hopefully, he'll go easy on them.

Killua's POV

It was obvious the leader cheated and used his quirk. I smirk and look at Yuki, he knew what was coming next.

"Alright! The score is 3:2." I say. The junior high kids started celebrating, way too early for that. "Alright, next round!" I yell. Everyone looked at me in confusion, everyone except Yuki. "What? I said everyone that wanted to skateboard here participates. I never said I didn't want to participate." I smirk. The group of junior high kids started to panic a little.

"Fine! Then you have to go against all of us!" The leader finally shouts. The group looked a bit surprised but then smirked confidently. I nod in agreement. "Then the side who wins gets five points," I say. The junior high kids immediately nod.

I went first. I was known for a lot of things, but merciful wasn't one of them. I didn't hesitate to go down ramps, the bowl, stairs, and railings, and did as many flips as I could. I could tell the leader was trying to use his quirk on my skateboard, but it didn't work. I even took out a chocolate bar in the middle of it and ate it.

I did a heelflip and went down the sloped rail that Yuki went on, except this time, my footing was steady. I did a perfect alpha flip and landed with a smooth clack.

Once I was finished, all the kids in Yuki's group stared at me in awe. The junior high kids were sweating profusely and looked at the leader in confusion.

When their turn came, they were so confused on how my skateboard wasn't effected that they all fell down. Each one landed face-first into the concrete. "Kissing concrete I see?" I tease. My mischievous cat-like grin on my face. "How?! How did you- I mean, how did you do th-" I cut them off. "How did your quirk not work on my skateboard?"

They looked at me in shock, the leader now cowering. "You know, you don't just purposely injure Yuki like that. I'm a little overprotective of my younger siblings, so using your quirk on his skateboard when he was trying to flip was a big nono!" I point my finger at him and continued. "It's a good thing he wasn't injured too badly, if he had sprained his ankle or God forbid a broken bone, you little snobs wouldn't be out of here unharmed." I glare at the group. "3:7, you lose." I ended.

The junior high kids shivered. "A-Alright! You guys win! We'll leave! But, h-how did my quirk not work on you?" The leader shakingly asked. I shrugged and casually answered. "My skateboard weighs 250 kilos, no normal kid junior high kid could put a scratch on it."

Everyone looked at me in shock. Even Yuki, it was his first time hearing this. I never told him because he never asked or messed with it.

"W-What!?!" The frightened group looked at me like I was an alien. I mean, I looked pretty thin since I was wearing baggy clothes, but I wasn't weak obviously. The junior high kids got up, grabbed their skateboards, and ran.

"Wow! 250 kilos?! Can I try and lift it, big brother?!" Yuki asked. "Be careful," I say while patting his head. Surprise surprise, it didn't budge. I laugh at Yuki a little teasingly and lifted it up. "Good try, Yuki," I say.

The rest of the day was spent at the skate-park. We all had fun, I bandaged up Yuki and we started skateboarding again. When the time came to go back home was here, we smiled and called it a day.

Once we arrived home, Claire asked what happened with Yuki. I explained what happen and she was just glad Yuki was okay. We ate dinner, cleaned up, and went to bed at around 9:00 PM.

I stayed up a bit longer to study my notes from today. When I hopped back onto my bed, I let my mind wander off again. I thought of Gon and Alluka every night, and tonight was no different. But this night, I prepared myself for whatever was going to happen at U.A.

Goodnight, Gon, Alluka.

《𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 𝙫2》𝙃𝙓𝙃 & 𝙈𝙃𝘼 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now