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Killua's POV   

"Big brother?" Yuki stared at me in wonder. "Hey... can you write to your mom for me? Just say that you're going out for a bit with me." I responded. Yuki nodded and jotted down something that looked like odd lines going in different directions.

   "Done!" Yuki exclaimed. I nodded and we were out the door. Yuki cowered in fear by the hounds, I shoo them off and went to the testing gates. I pushed them open again, I could feel Yuki staring at me in awe before he ran out. I chuckle a bit and walked out myself.

Timeskip to a couple of hours later

   We hop off the train and started to walk around town, looking at different buildings and stores. "Big brother! Look at that store!!" Yuki shouts at me and I look over, it was a clothing store. I shrug it off and ask "That's nice, do you want new clothes?"

   "No, I don't need any! But you definitely do! Your outfit looks like if a disgusting giant rat dragged it out of a dumpster and cremated it before making it into something you can wear." My heart shattered. I, the most fashionable person out of all the hunters (in my opinion) was being insulted by my fashion taste.

   "W-What do you mean?" I say in a hurt tone. "No offense big brother, but you look old wearing that!" Of course. I was in the 21st century, my outfit obviously would be outdated. I look at myself in embarrassment and immediately dragged us in the clothing store.

   I went to the cashier and asked them "Please give me your best selling outfits please!"

      The cashier nodded and guided us to a section of clothes. I thanked her and we went into the aisle to pick out my new outfit with Yuki. We picked out a lot of outfits and went to the changing room. Yuki sat there as I tried on the new outfits. This process went on for about 30 minutes until he stopped at the last outfit.

   "It's perfect! Let but this one! Also, this one and these too, because you probably have more horrendous outfits." Yuki said in a cheery tone. I sweatdrop as he kept insulting my taste in fashion. "Uhh... sure let's buy these," I say nervously. I then realized that I only had my card with me from earlier.

   I take out my card and pray that it works in the 21st century. We went to the cashier and I had to slide my card in. Thankfully, it went through and we got our clothes.

   Yuki and I walk out of the store. My once highly outdated style when I went in transformed into the hottest thing on the cover of magazines (As Yuki phrased it).

(Credits to the artist, I'm not sure who it is though

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(Credits to the artist, I'm not sure who it is though. Ignore the backpack, suitcase, and soccer ball.)

   "Wow, This is actually pretty comfortable." I happily cheer. "Aren't you glad to have such a nice little brother? Not only is it totally cool, but it's also comfortable." Yuki praised. I laugh a little and we go inside a candy store to get him a couple of treats.

   We walked out 10 minutes later with a giant bag full of chocolates. They had an upgraded version of choco-robos and they were huge! I bought 3 because they were selling out so fast, that they needed to have a limit. We bought a lot of chocolate bars though.

   "Hey big brother, do you want to become a hero?" I stare at Yuki in a questioning look. "Not particularly, what about you?" "I want to be a pro hero! Just like mama! But I don't have a quirk, so that can never happen I guess." Yuki sulked. I patted his shoulder and responded with "Hey, just because you don't have a unique ability, doesn't mean you can't be someone strong. Take me for example, I don't have one either but I'm probably much stronger than an average hero around here."

   "Is that true big brother? There are a lot of strong heroes here! Especially All Might, he's the number 1 hero! I don't think you'd be able to go up against him." Yuki said. I chuckle a bit and patted his pearly white hair.

   "Hey little guy, no matter who my opponent is, I'll make them into ragdolls without a bead of sweat running down my face." I confidently remark. Yuki stared at me with the most inspired look I've ever seen. His eyes sparkle in determination.

   Suddenly, we hear a random boom, then another. There were constant loud booming sounds ahead. We look up and saw a crowd of people staring off into an alley, and others holding the citizens back.

   We quickly ran to see what was going on, Yuki tightly holding my hand. There was this blonde, spikey-haired guy around my age being trapped by some goopy thing, loud explosions coming off his hands.

   Why isn't anyone doing anything? Shouldn't there be a few people helping the boy out? Someone probably noticed my expression and said "The pros don't have quirks that can go against this guy! We have to wait for another hero to help the poor guy!"

   I clench my teeth as I attempt to step in, but then Yuki stopped me. "Big brother! It's dangerous, please don't go in!" He said with the most scared expression I've ever seen on his face. I patted his head and softly smile.

   "Don't worry Yuki, I'll prove to you I'll be someone that can protect you," I said. He hesitantly let go of my hand, and I stepped forward.

   Some guy stopped me, saying it was dangerous, I ignored him and leaped over the line of so-called heroes. There was already another kid there, trying to help the blonde. I quickly grab the green-haired kid and put him behind me.

   I stare down at the goopy pile, I then let my bloodlust loose, directly only at the goopy mess. The villain quickly backed off and let the blonde go. Still keeping my glare on him, I used a bit of my nen to paralyze him, away from the eyes of the civilians though. "GYAHHH, THAT HURTS-" The villain stated.

   I shocked him a second time to make sure he was paralyzed for sure, and then I collected him in a nearby bottle, just in time for a giant, bulky man to step in. "Young man, are you okay?! You know, that was a dangerous move! You need a license for that type of thing!" The buff man yelled.

   I wince and quickly grabbed my ear. There was a ringing in my ear after the man so loudly yelled.

   "Yo, old fart, can you be any louder!?" I yell back. Shocked gasps and looks were directed at me, was this guy some celeb or something? "Now if you excuse me, I'll be going now. Here, you can have this nasty thing." I lazily passed him the bottle, not really caring if he caught it or not. I walked towards the crowd of shocked people and approach Yuki. "C'mon, let's get going," I say in a lighter tone. Yuki nods, also in shock in what I just said to the man, I wonder why...

   We were about to leave when a few people with cameras and some heroes stopped me. "Hey kid, what you did there was dangerous! Don't go around doing that again, being a vigilante is a crime!" I rolled my eyes and spat back with "Well at least I was doing something, none of you guys were even trying to help the guy out. Some heroes you are."

   Yuki was looking at me like I was some shining star. He then looked at the heroes. "My big brother has a point. While you guys were doing nothing, my brother went in there and dealt with the villain, and he doesn't even have a quirk!" He yelled out.

   Everyone became silent.

   "What do you mean he doesn't have a quirk?"

《𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 𝙫2》𝙃𝙓𝙃 & 𝙈𝙃𝘼 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant