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Killua's POV

   3:02 AM. I've been thinking of that nen I saw on that softball, was it just my imagination? No, it can't be, when I got back it was still there even when the teacher was throwing it away. Is anyone from my time here too? Or does someone have nen instead of a quirk?

   "Ugh, my head hurts," I say to myself. I got up and decided to make some hot chocolate. I finished adding some cream on top and then I took a sip. Could it have been Gon?

   I shook my head. How would he even get here? I doubt he'd have the brains for it, unless-

   My thinking was cut off by footsteps approaching me. I turned around and faced Yuki. "Such a chocolate addict. Anyways, aren't you supposed to have some guarding thing or whatever tomorrow?" So sassy...

   "Yeah, I am. Don't worry, I'll last tomorrow." I said ignoring his first statement. I can still stay awake for three days and three nights still, though I try to get eight hours as many nights as I can. Yuki nodded but also rolled his eyes. He went to the fridge and grabbed some milk. No taste in drinks at all, and he thinks I'm making bad choices!

   I grumble and continue drinking my hot chocolate. Chocolate is my only lover, it's my family, it's my everything.


   My headache is growing at an immense rate. My job is to keep these citizens away from a villain destroying property, but these idiotic reporters keep trying to fish up new content for the media. "Please stay back!" I yell. Of course, I got ignored. I pushed reporters and citizens behind the line like all the other pros, but they kept pushing back.

   The villain that was destroying stuff wasn't helping with my headache either. I wish I brought headphones to listen to music, or anything noise canceling. I sigh and kept pushing the citizens back. What were taking the pros so long? I turn my head to look at the scene, the pros were setting up traps for the villain. I turn back around and kept telling the reporters to stay back.

   "Move out of the way! We need this shot!" "Come on! Let us through!" "I wanna see!" My headache was probably the size of Jupiter right now. "Stay behind the line before you get hurt, idiots," I said while frowning.

   The people obviously ignored me and continued pushing. "How do you guys deal with this every day?!" I ask/yelled to the nearby pros. They sweatdrop and shrugged. I grumble. "Please back away! My headache is worsening!" I shout. Some citizens shot me a pitiful look and backed down. Thank you for having common sense.

   The reporters were so desperate! I noticed a small person with a camera trying to sneak off. "Stay behind the line!" I shout their way. The girl jumped and made a run for it. I sigh and asked the pros if they could handle the mob while I'm gone. They agreed and I chased after the girl who was trying to get a picture. I grabbed the collar of their shirt and shot them an annoyed look.

   "My headache isn't going to calm down if you run away, ya know?!? We're trying to keep you guys away from danger, so please don't rush into it." I scolded at her. She grumbled at my mini-lecture. I clicked my tongue and carried the girl on my shoulder back to the crowd since she was struggling to go.

   I placed the girl at the back so it'd be more difficult to go to the scene. Then an idea came. I took the camera she had and ran to the scene to snap a couple of photos. I quickly rushed back, holding the printed out photos.

   "Hey! If you want a picture of the scene, come get it!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Everyone looked at me, even the pros. I then did something shocking. I threw the photos far, far into the city. The photos spread like dandelions. Immediately the citizens started chasing after them, seeing as how it was easier than getting through a bunch of pros.

   I brushed the non-existent dust off of me and went back to where the pros were. "Thanks, kid! They were getting really annoying." I nodded and went back to blocking the stubborn remaining reporters. I then heard something from the ear-piece.

   "Good work, Killua. Since the heroes are having trouble restraining the villain, would you kindly help them? I'll take one day off your punishment." I heard the principal say. I groan but accepted. I waved the pros still blocking some reporters goodbye and headed off.

   I jump over the line and ran towards the villain. "Sorry for what I'm about to do." I said. I then grabbed the villain's right arm and secretly sent electricity to the villain. No one could see it unless they had nen. It was paralyzed, but I made it look like I just restrained the villain because I grabbed the other arm and threw the villain over and made it land on their stomach.

   "You were really loud," I said to the now sweating villain. I firmly placed my foot down on the ground while gripping the villain's arms. I quickly took out quirk-canceling handcuffs and put them on the villain. The villain was struggling to be freed.

   I don't get this new generation, it relies to much on quirks. Practice self-defense without your quirks and you'd be way stronger. The pros that were setting up traps thanked me and took the villain to the police station. Well, at least I can attend the sports festival now.

   And with that, the day was over.

Gon's POV

   I got back from the quirk testing thing. I still don't understand what a quirk was, but I could tell it was power. I saw Alluka already in the spacious dorm we got, and we looked at what was in it. I then noticed a T.V. and grabbed the remote.

   I turned on the T.V. and listened to the news.

"New hero takes down a villain in-!"

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