Chapter twenty-nine

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"You found them?" Ben practically yelled. "You found Sokala's squadron?"

A few of the surrounding officers stepped back, in case another outburst would occur.

"No, Sir," General Kenos responded calmly. "We have found some sort of large building. It may be the factory we are looking for."

Ben was speechless. He had practically forgotten about the factory they were supposed to be looking for, because of Sokala's actions.

"Sir?" General Kenos prompted.

"Yes, we will scout out the factory tomorrow when we have more light," Ben responded. "Send us your coordinates."

"Yes, Sir." The General looked down for a second and typed something on his wristband, which contained a small computer. "You should be receiving them shortly."

Not even two seconds later, an officer spoke up from one of the stations.

"Sir, we have received the coordinates."

"Excellent. If we do not receive anything from Pilot Koalix, we will come and get you all and set up camp somewhere for the night. In the morning, one squadron will continue to search for Sokala and his group. The other will search the factory with me."

"Yes, Sir," General Kenos responded.

"Stay near the factory, we will be dropping by shortly."

Soon, the blue figure disappeared into the transmitter.

"Reroute the ship," Ben directed to the officers and pilots," get us to those coordinates."


They had located the Kenos' group and brought them into the ship. After, they came into contact with Pilot Koalix's group and set up camp at their location.

The pilot's group had come back with nothing when it came to Sokala and his squadron. No tracks, no traces, nothing.

They had set up camp where Koalix and his group were located. They had contacted the lost group of troopers and told them to stay where they were for the night, and they would continue their search in the morning. They were parched and beginning to grow a larger and larger appetite. If they couldn't find them soon, the troopers would most likely perish in the desert.

Ben had been, once again, given his own tent. As soon as the rest of the camp had quiet down, he began to meditate. He breathed calmly and deeply just as he had done the day before.

Several minutes later, he sensed her. When he opened his eyes, she sat in the same spot as yesterday.

"You don't look happy," she told him, as soon as she saw him.

He rubbed his face with his hands and let out a sigh. "That Commander who I had told you about, last time we spoke, is now lost in the desert with his squadron on troopers. He has changed our entire mission! If it hadn't been for him, I would've been on my way back to you and our children!"

"Have you tried detecting them from heat scanners?"

"They're jammed from the intense heat of the desert we weren't prepared for."

"Can't you track them from their transmissions?"

"The transmitters we brought are specially designed to make sure we cannot be tracked. The reason for this was so we couldn't be tracked if we found the factory, but now we have more pressing matters at hands."

"When's the last time they ingested something?"

"Half a rotation ago."

"You must find them tomorrow."

"I will. I promise. Enough about my work, how have the twins been doing?"

"They miss you and so do I."

He stood up and sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. The touch through the bond was slightly different than a touch in person, but it would do for now.

He kissed her forehead. "It will only be another few days, sweetheart," he gently whispered.

She leaned into his arm and chest, and closed her eyes.

"You should get some sleep," Ben told her.

"So should you," she responded. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, never opening her eyes. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, I love you."

Rey disappeared from his arms and he missed the feeling dearly. He laid down and closed his eyes.


Ben couldn't sleep. He twisted and turned until he saw the moonlight shine through the top of his thin tent fabric. He stood up, put his shoes on and exited the tent, taking his lightsaber on the way. The planet hadn't shown any signs of dangerous creatures, but he could never be too sure.

The sand left the holes Ben's feet created as he walked, which reassured him he could find camp when he felt tired.

He walked in a straight line aimlessly. Thinking about everything and anything that came to mind. Only one animal had walked in his path, but it scurried away with speed when a red blade came out of the lightsaber in his hands.

While they had flown around the past few days, they had only encountered a few villages, which were all on the other side of the planet. So the only light that illuminated his walk was the bright moon.

There wasn't any noise and The Force had a surprisingly calming sense on him. It wasn't on a side, it carried both within. A balance.

It had succeeded in calming Ben's rapid heartbeat and his hands were no longer clutched in his pockets, but relaxed, on the side of his body.

He had walked up a dune of sand and took a moment to enjoy the wind blowing through his midnight coloured curls.

He was about to turn back and head to camp, but he saw something in the distance. Sleepiness was beginning to claim him and his mind had practically decided against going to inspect it, but something inside him told him to go and explore it. So he did.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for almost 8K views!

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