Chapter fourteen

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Together, they stepped out of the ship. At first glance, you could easily tell that this planet was a mining planet. Although a few trees could be found scattered around in the distance, caves and the scent of metal was seen and smelt very easily.

"So, how do you make the hilt?" Rey asked.

"These," he said pointing at the nearest tree, "are Brylak trees. Their wood is as strong as metal. You use them to make the mold. Then you'll use some Haysian smelt to make the hilt. After I'll tell you what needs to happen next."

Rey nodded.

"This is your lightsaber, you will be doing most of the work, but I will help you."

They worked an entire day, if not longer to build the hilt to Rey's lightsaber. It was a complicated process on its own, but since Ben told her she should get the
double-bladed one, it was twice the work. Ben kept to his promise and helped her with anything she felt she couldn't do or would harm the baby. He would also check in on her often to see how she was doing on such a foreign planet.

As they walked back to the ship, Rey held what would become her lightsaber. All that was left to do was wiring, adding a few details and finally putting the kyber crystal into the lightsaber.

They entered the ship and closed the doors, automatic lights turned on and blinded them for a few seconds. Ben made his way to a compartment and took out two packages of dried food.

"Sit, I'll make some food," Ben said.

A couple minutes later, he had two plates with some bread and what looked like meat mixed with some sort of vegetable. He laid both plates down on the table and took a seat.

They silently ate. After a few minutes, Rey finally spoke.

"This reminds me of what I used to eat on Jakku."

"What would they give you?" Ben asked.

"Usually some sort of bread and small pieces of meat," Rey answered, "but it was clear that the meat was fake and had very little nutrients in them."

"You'll never have to go back there," he said.

She nodded. They ate the rest of their meal in silence. When they finishe, Ben stood up and took both of their plates and quickly washed them outside. He stored them in the compartment and sat down.

"Would you like to start working on the wiring for your lightsaber tonight?" Ben asked.

Rey nodded. She stood up and got the hilt they made earlier that day. Afterward, she found the coat she wore when obtaining the kyber crystal. She put her hand in one pocket and couldn't find the crystal. She dove her hand in the other pocket and couldn't find it either.

Rey turned towards Ben, giving him a worried look.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked.

"The crystal."

"What about it?" Ben asked, standing up.

She flipped her coat upside down. "It's go-" A clank was heard. She looked down and the crystal fell on the ground.

"That's strange," Rey said, picking up the crystal.

They sat back down at the table and began wiring the hilt.

"We will most likely stay here tonight. Is that alright with you?"

"If I'm with you, then it's better than fine," Rey said looking up from her work and smiling.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They worked late into the night, talking about anything and everything.

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