Chapter twenty-two

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As soon as he felt his hand squeeze, he stood up abruptly, scaring their daughter in the process. He looked over, desperately trying to see those beautiful hazel eyes of hers. Her eyes were squinting, most likely from the bright light that hung over her head.

"Rey?" He asked over her head, creating a small shadow over her eyes.

She opened her eyes a little bit and was met by his dark hazel eyes.

"Ben?" She whispered.

Ben closed the gap between them and delicately kissed Rey. She immediately kissed back.

"You're awake," Ben beamed, as they pulled away from their kiss.

Rey looked towards their daughter. She was still trying to adjust to the lights that shone in her face. Ben held their daughter against him.

"Can I hold her?" Rey asked.

He nodded and gently gave her to Rey. Tears sprang to her eyes.

"What did you name them?"

"Akilah and Anakin Solo," he said, kissing Rey's forehead.

"How long have I been out?"

"A week. I'm going to tell the droid that you're awake. I'll be right back."

Ben walked towards the door and left the room. Akilah's eyes looked up towards Rey. Rey placed a soft kiss on their daughter's forehead. Akilah's hand found Rey's finger and strongly gripped onto it. It was quiet in the room. Rey looked over to their son, who was sleeping soundly on his back.

"I missed you," she whispered to their daughter.

Ben entered the room with the droid. He smiled at the sight of Rey smiling at their daughter. He returned to her side and she handed him Akilah.

The droid explained by a series of beeps that they would be doing some tests in hopes of finding the cause of this. Ben couldn't be present for the tests, which saddened him, but he knew Rey was strong.

He kissed her forehead gently and left the room with Akilah and Anakin.


Ben was in the same room he had been brought to last week. The two chairs were placed in the exact same spot. One of the droids had brought him two bottles of formula for the twins to be fed. He sat calmly in the chair feeding Anakin, as Akilah looked around the ceiling, with her curious, beautiful eyes, after being fed. Anakin had decided to grip gently onto Ben's finger as Ben fed him.

Ben began to feel a presence in the room. He looked around and saw a man in the corner of the room, whom he had never seen before, but he felt an extreme connection to this man.

"Ben?" The man said in a deep voice.

"Who... who are you?" Ben asked, Anakin's hand still held onto his index finger.

"I'm your grandfather."

Ben's mouth hung open. "You're..." he was lost for words. "You're my grandfather?" He finally managed to say.

The man walked towards him. "Yes, I am." He looked down at the little boy in Ben's arms. "Who's this?"

"This is my son and," he turned to the small bed where Akilah lay, "that's my daughter."

"What are their names?"

"Akilah," he pointed to the small girl, "and Anakin."

"Hmm, I see you named him after me," Anakin said, crossing his arms. "I know the awful things you've done..."

"And I know yours too," Ben interrupts. "Grandfather, I've changed. Rey, the mother of my children, has brought me back to the light and I never plan on leaving it or her."

"Then what are you doing here, in this base?" Anakin asked, looking around the room.

By this time, little Anakin has finished his bottle of formula. Ben placed the bottle on the floor and continued to hold Anakin, his hand still holding onto Ben's finger.

"I promised Rey as soon as we would have the twins, we would leave this place, but... some inconveniences occurred."

"What kind of inconveniences?" He asked, still standing in front of Ben with his arms crossed.

"She..." he looked at their son, feeling tears starting to prick his eyes, "she fell into a coma after having the twins. She had been out of it for 7 rotations and she just woke up."

His grandfather didn't speak, only nodded.

"I remember when I was still alive, I learnt a lesson which was very difficult for me to understand and accept. You must trust in The Force. I lost your grandmother, because I hadn't trusted in The Force. The Force may decide to take someone you love and you will have to live with that. You must cherish the ones you have around you for however much time you have. You cannot choose who leaves this universe and who will stay, that is what The Force does. You must remember that."

Ben nodded. "I understand."

"Good. I'm running out of time. Remember what I told you."

The blue glowing figure slowly began to fade, until he was gone.


A couple hours passed, a droid had told Ben that they were done with the tests and he could see Rey now. He entered the room, holding Anakin, while one of the droids brought the bed, where Akilah slept.

Rey was sitting in the bed, her eyes lit up as soon as she saw Ben and her children. Ben came to her side and placed a kiss on her forehead, while handing her Anakin. Rey was slightly woozy from some of the medication they had given her, but she held on tightly to Anakin, as Ben placed the bed with Akilah, close to Rey.

"Thank you," she said, in almost a whisper, as Ben returned to her side.

"For what?" He asked, slightly confused.

"For everything."

Ben kissed her forehead. "I would do anything for you, because I love you so much."

Rey smiled at him and he smiled back.

Is there anything that you would like to see in this story? I have most of the story planned out, but I'm always open for suggestions! :)

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