Chapter fifteen

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Several months passed, Rey's stomach grew more and more. They had discovered they were expecting twins during one of their medical appointments at the First Order. They were ecstatic. Although they hadn't felt a kick from either of the babies, they knew it would come soon.

They spoke to their children everyday, often at night before they would sleep. The First Order supplied them with two bassinets. For the first little while, when the twins would be born, they would stay in the same room as Rey and Ben. Their lives would be changing dramatically in the next few months, but they were ready to confront it together.

One morning, Rey woke up in Ben's arms, facing away from him. She turned and moved some strands of hair from his face. She leaned in and lightly placed a kiss on his nose. When she pulled away, his face scrunched up from the contact. He opened his eyes slowly and the first thing he saw was Rey's lovely face.

"Good morning," Ben said, sleepily. He placed a delicate kiss on Rey's forehead.

"Good morning," she replied.

"If it's alright with you, I would like to bring you somewhere today," Ben said, after a few moments of silence.

Rey nodded. "I don't think there is anything else to do." She smiled at him.

Ben pulled her closer to him. "I hope at least one of our children has your smile. It always lights up the room." He gently pressed his lips on her forehead.

They stayed, laying in each other's, not wanting to leave or be anywhere else. Rey closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Only a year ago, I was a scavenger on Jakku. She thought. I didn't even know I had the Force. Now I'm lying here, in Ben's arms, expecting twins, with my own lightsaber sitting somewhere in this room.

"Rey?" Ben asked, breaking her from her thoughts.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Did I fall asleep?" She asked.

He nodded. "We should probably get going," he said, sounding slightly nervous.

She nodded. They got up, got changed and both hooked their lightsabers at their belts. They didn't think they would need it, but always brought it, wherever they went.

As they found their way to the door of their quarters, Rey slipped her hand into Ben's and laced their fingers. She squeezed his hand and he brushed a soft kiss onto her lips.

"Are you ready to go?" Ben asked, pulling away.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"It's a surprise," he answered.

They walked to his ship. Stormtroopers knew to move out of the way when the pair walked in the hallways. They found the ship in the main hangar and started the engines. Ben punched in some coordinates and the ship soon flew through space at lightspeed.

"How long does it say it will take to get there?" Rey asked.

Ben looked at the control panel, displaying the time remaining before their arrival.

"An hour. What would you like to do during that time?"

"Could we just talk?" She asked.

"Of course," he said, leading her to the main room.

She sat on the opposite side of him. She expressed her worries to him. She told him how she was afraid of giving birth, especially to twins. He reached over and took her hands into his and gave them a tight squeeze.

"Rey, you're the strongest person I know," he said. "I'll be there the entire time, right next to you, holding your hand. I would be lying if I said I wasn't also afraid, but I know that you can do this."

She smiled at him. She couldn't be happier to have him, by her side, during all of this.

A beeping sound was heard, interrupting their talk. Ben got up and went to go check the cause. Rey followed him.

"It appears we've arrived earlier than expected," Ben said. "Strap yourself in."

Rey reached for the straps in her seat, as Ben did the same. As they approached their location, Rey saw trees everywhere. They engulfed the planet with their vibrant shades of green, the water was a deep blue and gave a calming presence to anyone who simply looked at it. In the distance, a castle could be seen. It was semi destroyed, but the architecture stood out.

"Is this the first place we technically met?" Rey asked.

"Where I knocked you out and carried you, because you wouldn't give me the map to Skywalker? Yes, it is." Ben responded.

"Wait, you carried me?" Rey asked, surprised.

"What was I supposed to do?" Ben asked, as they landed.

"I don't know, let those stormtroopers carry me?" Rey suggested.

"And potentially let them drop you? Never." Ben said once the ship was landed.

Ben extended his hand to Rey. Rey took it and followed him outside of the ship. As soon as she stepped foot out of the ship, she smelt the freshness of the greenery around her. She took a deep breath, breathing in the lovely scent. It had been a few months since she had stepped out of the First Order ship.

She could see herself living with Ben and their children running around the trees.

Ben cleared his throat. She turned her head to him, shaking her thoughts.

"Sorry," Rey said.

"It's alright. Am I allowed to know what you were thinking about?" He asked as they walked, hand in hand.

"Just thinking about what the future could look like."

He nodded. They walked in silence. Rey admired the beauty around her. Eventually they stopped, it was in the middle of the forest. Ben turned towards her and grabbed both of her hands.

He took a deep breath. "Rey, I know I'm not the best at all this romantic stuff, but I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. In a couple months, we'll be holding our two children." He stopped and looked up at her. She was smiling at him, the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "You showed me there was still light left in me, you believed in me when no one else did. When Snoke tortured you, in the throne room, I wanted to murder him. We were enemies, but I felt that connection to you. It was precious and then you took my hand. When you kissed me, I was so happy. When you told me you were pregnant, I was the happiest man alive."

He took a deep breath and reached for something with the Force in his back pocket. He let go of her hands and went on one knee. Rey's hands flew to her mouth and tears started to sting her eyes.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for 2.5K views!

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