Chapter twelve

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Over the next few days, Rey and Ben were getting used to their new lives. Every night, before they went to bed, Ben would speak to his child, in their quarters. The child was still small, Rey only had a small bump, but it didn't matter, they would eventually grow. They were both excited about meeting them. One night as Ben spoke to their child, he thought of something. He turned and looked up at Rey.

"I just thought of something," he said.

She gave him a confused look, indicating for him to continue.

"You realize twins run in my family, right?"

She had realized, but had never really thought about it while being pregnant with their child. She didn't show any emotion, Ben probably thought she didn't want the second child. She suddenly smiled.

"So we could have two little kids running around here in a couple months?" She asked.

He nodded. Rey hugged him.

"I love you," she said, still being held by Ben.

"I love you too," he said, placing a kiss on her forehead.


The next morning, Ben woke to Rey in his arms. He gently woke her up.

"Would you like to build your own lightsaber today?" Ben asked.

"Yes," She said, excited.

"It will take a couple of days, so we would leave today and come back in a couple days," he explained.

They got up, packed a few of their belongings. All ships were required to have food in them, for safety reasons, in case anything were to happen.

They walked down to the hanger and got into a ship.

The ship was all black inside. It had two rooms. One had a few seats and a lot of open space. It wasn't very big, but for what they needed it for, it would do. There was a table and a few compartments. There was a door that led to the control room. Rey opened it, as Ben closed the main door. She sat in the left seat as Ben sat in the right one.

"You ready?" Rey asked as Ben closed the door to the control room.

"Ready as all ever be," he laughed.

Rey started the ship and they were off. She wasn't too sure where they were going, but Ben punched in the coordinates and pressed a few buttons after. Soon the ship was flying at light speed. She was excited, but also nervous. Excited that she would get a new lightsaber, her own lightsaber, but she was also nervous. What would it be like, she thought.

Ben must have felt her uneasiness, because he turned to her and asked:
"You okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"You can do this," he said, as he put his hand on her shoulder. "I believe in you."

She looked up at him and smiled. She still felt nervous, but having him by her side made her feel a little better.

"What lightsaber do you think you'll make?" Ben asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"What?" She asked, not completely hearing her question.

"I said what lightsaber do you think you'll make?" He repeated.

"Oh. I'm not too sure."

"There's one that I think you would like."

She thought for a little bit. Which kind of lightsaber would suit me? She thought.
"And which one would that be?" She asked.

"A double-bladed one."

She nodded. She had never seen one, but she had heard of them a couple times. She had heard it was a fierce weapon, probably one of the most powerful lightsabers out there.

"You're going to get a kyber crystal first," he said.

She nodded.


As they landed, Rey could see ice and snow. The only time she had seen snow, and remembered it, was on Starkiller base, while her and Kylo Ren were fighting.

The feet of their ship touched the ground and they stood up. Before they exited, Ben told her to wait. He went into the other room and came out with two large coats.

"We're going to need these," he said.

Rey nodded, as she put on the warm coat.

As soon as they exited the ship, they were hit in the face with a harsh and cold wind. She quickly reached behind her back and grabbed her hood, in an attempt to cover her face. Ben did the same soon after.

"Follow me!" Ben yelled over the wind.

Rey did exactly as he said. They eventually reached a mountain.

"Concentrate all the force onto this area, we will need to do this together," Ben instructed.

Rey nodded and let go of her hood. They raised their hands and closed their eyes, clearing their minds. They soon heard a rumbling and felt the ground shaking. When they opened their eyes, they saw part of the mountains coming tumbling down. They turned away for a second, not to get debris in their eyes.

When they looked back up, they saw a pathway. Ben began to walk and Rey quickly followed.

"Welcome, here you will find your kyber crystal for your lightsaber," Ben said.

Rey looked around, it was beautiful. Rocks surrounded them and an ice wall could be found ahead.

"You'll need to go alone," Ben said, breaking her from her thoughts.

She looked at him and nodded. Ben made his way towards the ice wall.

"You'll have one day to collect your crystal, else the ice wall will close and you will be trapped," Ben said.

She nodded again. Ben closed his eyes and used the force to melt the ice wall.

"You can do it," he said, once he had opened his eyes.

"How will I know which one is mine?" She asked.

"You'll know," he smiled.

She made her way towards the entrance. Before entering the cave, she took a deep breath and took one last look at Ben.

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