Chapter seventeen

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Only a couple months before the twins were to be born, Rey had been offered a political position for The First Order. Ben had encouraged her to take the role and reassured her saying that she could always back away at any time.

Not having any other tasks, other than the occasional doctors appointment, on her schedule, she decided to take the role.

This meant having daily meetings with none other than General Hux and General Ohanso. Ben always attended the meetings, as well as other political leaders, yet it seemed it was always General Hux with his pasty skin and General Ohanso with his graying hair that talked the most.

On this particular day, they had been discussing ideas and plans to put against The Resistance. Rey, however, was totally against this idea. She tried her best to read Ben's facial expression, but she couldn't detect anything.

As they all sat around the oval table, with the Speaker at the end, she took it upon herself to present her idea. She pressed the blue button in front of her, indicating her asking permission to speak. The Speaker gave her permission to do so.

She stood up and presented her idea.

"What would we even win by going against The Resistance? We would use so many financial resources and lose so many of our stormtroopers. They are strong and I don't think we can win this fight. I say we sign a treaty and settle this without continuing this war."

Hux stood up immediately.

"We cannot just let them win!"

"I did not give you permission to speak General Hux," the Speaker said. "You may sit down."

"I-" Hux tried to say.

"I said, you may sit down General Hux," the Speaker said again.

The General gave Rey a glare before sitting down. The Speaker indicated for Rey to continue.

"As I was saying, we should sign a treaty and end this war before we drain all our financial resources."

Rey sat down and Ben gave her a nod. She wanted to tap into a few of the political leaders minds around the table, to see their thoughts. She knew she shouldn't do it, but the urge was strong.

Some were in agreement with her, a few disagreed, but Hux and Ohanso were completely against it. She felt their cold, hard stares on her.

Hux asked permission to speak and the Speaker allowed him.

"We must continue this war! We have so many financial resources. We will outnumber them!"

Rey was silent through his outburst. Ben had grown accustomed to him and paid no attention.

When Hux sat down, the Speaker grabbed everyone's attention towards him.

"Does anyone want to add on this matter?"

When no one spoke, he dismissed the group of 20 generals and political leaders.

Rey stood up, but Ben gently grabbed her wrist and sat her down. All the meeting participants had left the room, leaving the couple alone.

"Your proposition is smart," Ben said. "I hope we can all agree on it."

"There's just those two generals that will stand in our way," Rey said through gritted teeth.

"You'll win this vote, I know you will."

Rey smiled at him. They stood up and made their way to their quarters.

They had walked down two hallways in complete silence, but once they turned the third corner, they heard someone speak behind them.

"Rey," General Hux said. His voice made goosebumps rise on her skin.

"What?" Rey said turning around. Ben turned around as well.

"You'll never win that vote."

Rey scoffed. Really? She thought to herself. He's bothering me about that?

"I could snap your neck in half right now, so I would watch your mouth," Rey said.

"Rey," Ben warned.

"But I won't, because that's a waste of time. You're not worth it." As soon as she finished her sentence, she turned around and began walking to their chambers.

Ben looked and Hux and laughed to himself. Pathetic, he thought. He turned around and catched up to Rey.

"That guy!" Rey said once Ben caught up with her. "Can he just shut up once in a while?"

"I wish he could as well," Ben said.

They walked into the elevator, which led up to their quarters.

"I'm sorry," Rey said after a few moments of silence.

"For what?" Ben asked.

"Getting mad at Hux and losing my temper," she answered.

Ben turned and put his hands on her shoulders.

"You will never have to apologize for pissing off Hux. He deserves it. To be angry is to be human, you have nothing to worry about."

She smiled at him and fell into his arms. Ben brought her close and rubbed her back.


They pulled apart and walked out of the doors. They entered their quarters and the automatic lights turned on.

"Can I cook for you tonight?" Ben asked.

She nodded. They hadn't been able to sit down and eat a meal together for quite a while.

Rey entered the kitchen and pulled a stool to sit next to Ben, as he cooked. Ben went to the cupboard and found all the ingredients for his meal.

He started to cut the vegetables and season the meat.

"What are you making?" Rey asked, after a long period of silence.

"Something my mother made for me all the time when I was young, nuna and noodle soup with vegetables," Ben answered. "The meat is usually served as drum sticks, but my mother always found a way to make it... healthy."

Rey chuckled. Ben placed the seasoned meat into the oven. He placed two pots over the stove and began to heat some broth in the larger one and water in the other. It didn't take long for the water to boil and Ben added the small noodles into the heated pot of boiling water.

The meat was now fully cooked. Ben took it out of the oven and started to cut it into smaller pieces. The noodles, also cooked, were drained into a separate pot.

Ben added all the ingredients to the pot of broth and stirred the soup. He filled up two bowls and placed them on the table only a few feet away.

Rey took some crackers from the cupboard and placed them on the table, still wrapped in their packaging.

They sat down and started to eat their home-cooked meal.

"How are you enjoying it?" Ben asked, after Rey had taken several spoonfuls.

"It's very good," Rey answered.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Ben smiled at her.

I touched darknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang