Chapter thirty-nine

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As Finn and Ben continued walking through the Resistance base, more and more members of the rebellion against the First Order began to look upon the pair.

"Is this really the only way to the medical centre?" Ben asked Finn in a hushed voice through gritted teeth. "We're attracting more and more unwanted attention!"

"We're almost there!" Finn responded.

A couple minutes later and they arrived at a building far from the headquarters. The walls were white and there were only a few medical droids looking bored. When they heard the doors slide open, their heads popped up at the thought of doing something other than sulk around.

They quickly brought a stretcher and Ben placed Rey down as gently as he possibly could. He then leaned down, placed a kiss on her temple and whispered, "You'll be alright, love, I promise."

As he rose from his position, Finn placed a hand on his shoulder. "She's strong, she'll be alright."

"I know," Ben responded, finding that it was the first time him and Finn had ever agreed on something.

As the droids brought Rey away, Ben turned towards Finn abruptly, Finn's hand falling in the process. "Where are the twins?" He asked. "You were supposed to be taking care of them, what are you doing here?"

Just then, the door opened behind them. He turned and saw Poe holding Akilah and Anakin.

"We should talk," Poe told him.


An hour had passed. Ben, Poe and Finn all sat in a room. The silence was horrible. Ben held Akilah and Anakin. Akilah had been fussy as always, practically waking her brother from his nap. Poe and Finn had offered to hold one of them, but Ben refused.

"Listen," Poe said, trying to get Ben's attention for what felt like the millionth time.

Ben just turned away from him, looking at the floor, not wanting to hear what he was going to say.

"What happened between us?" Poe said, bluntly.

Finn turned in his seat, looking at Poe with wide eyes. Whatever Poe was about to say, Finn had never heard him say it.

"There's nothing to say," Ben said, practically inaudibly.

"We both lived on the Resistance base together. We were practically the only children on the base." Ben's eyes were still staring at the floor. "We were basically best friends, Ben. Then you left and I was left alone. The next time we saw each other, you tortured me, trying to get the location of the map to take revenge on a man who loved you. He wanted the best for you Ben, he really did."

A droid entered at that very moment, Ben still looked away, while Poe stared at him. Finn still looked in shock toward Poe. The droid clearly didn't sense the anger and awkwardness in the room. As it spoke, Ben turned his neck with extreme force toward the droid. He stood up and went up to it.

"Is she alright? Please tell me she's alright." Poe and Finn slowly rose up from their chairs, but kept a distance from Ben.

This droid had a vocabulator, so instead of responding by a series of beeps, it responded with actual words. "Yes, she's alright." Its voice was still mechanical. "She'll need to rest for a few days and won't be able to walk for that time. Her leg was severely damaged."

Ben let out a sigh of relief. Poe placed a hand on Finn's shoulder, as Finn let out a breath he had been holding.

"Can I see her?" Ben asked desperately.

"You may, but the children cannot."

"They're coming with me. You can't stop me." Ben practically pushed the droid aside, but an arm stopped him from moving forward. The arm belonged to Poe.

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